First Impressions and First Missions

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Gray POV

I don't really remember what it was, but Natsu had pissed me off so I slugged him. Like it usually goes, we found ourselves slugging it out. 

During one of our rolls through a table, I caught a glimpse of the newbie that Natsu had mentioned earlier. Apparently he was some kind of fire user as well as a Requip Mage. He was sitting beside Erza with a grin on his face.

Ahh that's why we got in this fight. Natsu said with another Fire user, I was out numbered and that must mean that fire magic is better than ice magic.

I mean who would be able to say that with a straight face right? So I kept hitting Natsu with all of the power I had. We rolled around beating the ever loving crap out of each other. 

Finally I'd had enough. I readied a huge ice blast and saw Natsu do the same. We swung at each other, but instead of hitting our targets, our attacks deflected off of each other and both were redirected. 

Time seemed to slow down, both the flame brained idiot and I looked at where our magic was headed. It was not headed for a good place. It was headed directly towards Erza's cake. 

Well shit. We're dead. I watched in slow motion as the twirling magical energies got closer and closer to bringing about my demise. We were mere seconds away from doom when the newbie saw the attacks coming and the idiot got in front of them. He turned and stood in front of Erza's cake, back towards the magic. 

Well that's just great. There goes the newbie. Both Natsu and I separated and stood up as the twin attacks hit the newbie. We both stood up and someone spoke up from behind me. 

"Well, would you look at that, the newbie didn't even last a day."

I turned around to see Laxus. He was laughing and honestly he may have been right. So I turned back around and saw the cloud of steam caused by our attacks. When it dissipated a few moments later, all we saw was Erza, with an angry look on her face and no cake in her hand.

The guild was silent, we all knew what messing with Erza's cake got you. Natsu and I both cringed. I closed my eyes and readied myself for the rage to pour off of Erza like a wave.

"The cake is safe!!!"

Those words rang out in the silent guildhall and saved us from certain destruction. The weird thing? I didn't recognize the deep voice who yelled the words of my salvation. My eyes flew open to see the newbie on his stomach off to the side, holding Erza's cake. 

Oh thank the gods. I owed that newbie my life. I glanced at Erza, who had a relieved look on her face. I looked back at the newbie. The sandy-haired mage stood up and handed a grinning Erza back her cake. Then he turned back to us with an evil smirk almost on par with Erza's.

"I guess now that the cake is back in it's rightful hands, I'm gonna have to stop this pointless fight."

Behind me Laxus muttered quietly.

"Guess the newbie's got some spunk after all."

I turned back to the new guy. Who was chuckling.

"But first, I'm going to have to show you two how to hit someone for real. Because honestly those magical attacks were child's play."

I was stunned. This new guy takes a single hit and calls my attacks child's play.

"Look here buddy, that wasn't even close to my biggest attack. I was just lowering my strength to Natsu's level…"

Then the Flame brain himself decided to get in on it. 

"Yeah Ritey! I was doing the same, I could Burn Gray to a crisp if I really wanted to!"

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