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we're a testament to what time apart can truly accomplish

i'm scared it might actually be too late this time

see, i've felt this way before
just never so severely

once upon a time, we were all we had

but soon enough
hours or even all day
quickly morphed into ten minutes or here and there

questions once inquired with genuine interest and answered with meaningful answers

have now distorted themselves into half-hearted, mindless discourse, countered by arbitrary responses.

i'll readily confess
that it was never only just you
that played a role
in how things have resulted

it was me too, and you should know that.

things used to be so easy
so pray tell, when did things get so confused?

life is lackluster without you, i hope you're aware.

something as mundane as a simple "how are you"
which i, perhaps should not crave, but still do

meant nothing short of the world to me

but now, your words are chilling to the touch
and mine are empty in return

oh, what have we become?

except only everything we swore we never would be.

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