Chapter Seven

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"Morning, morning," Anne was chippier than normal this morning, "I finally slept well, what's your plans today besides classes?"

Cleves tossed her an apple out of the fridge, "Kat and I are getting dinner together, more than free to join."

Anne was confused by hearing her plans, "Um why wasn't I invited to begin with? And when do you and Kitty hang out without me?"

Ignoring her question, Cleves continued on, "So you wanna join or?"

"Can't. I have my own dinner plans," a smile sneaked onto her face which Cleves poked at.

"Is it with one miss Catherine Parr?"

Tossing it up and down, Anne considered throwing it back at the annoying friend, "It is." Cleves realized that's why the girl was so happy and slept well. The two must have texted and solidified plans. She found it hilarious with how easy she could read Anne's thoughts just by her face. They really spent too much time together. She was happy that she had plans though because it meant she and Kat could grab dinner by themselves which is something that has been happening more frequently.

"Hey, earth to Cleves," she hadn't realized that Anne was trying to grab her attention, "I asked if you wanted tea or coffee?" Anne would usually harp on her more for spacing off and ask her what's on her mind but she was preoccupied herself. She knew she would have to be on her best behavior if she wanted to get through the night. Don't get her wrong, she couldn't be happier to be spending time with Catherine but she didn't know what stupid things she may say or do in front of her. She's obviously had crushes before but none like this. It was as if no matter how she tried, she couldn't put up her normal hard exterior. She couldn't be sarcastic and cold. She never knew someone could break down those barriers with a single look.


Catherine sat on a grassy area near the center of campus. It was an abnormally hot day for late fall so she thought she would enjoy the sun and write outside instead of inside the library or her room. Her current piece was about feeling helpless. It's a story of a girl who tries her hardest to stay at the back of the crowd and not draw attention to herself. She's very strategical and follows her mind over her heart whenever she can. Logic is how she makes her decisions and she does not know to be rash. However, she feels like her life is stuck in a rut and she has no idea how to continue forward. Her prayers are answered one day when someone new enters her life that is chaotic and free and barges in without a second thought.

Catherine would deny that the story is based on her life. She rarely wrote about personal things and if she did, it was always done in her journal. Writing on her laptop was too risky in her mind, anyone could access the files if they tried hard enough so she only typed up essays and stories for classes which was what she was in the middle of doing.

"Seat taken?" Anne asked gesturing to the spot next to her. Anne didn't know why she made a point to stop and say hi, she secretly hoped it would calm her nerves before tonight.

"All yours," Catherine beamed while closing her laptop but Anne stopped her, "No, you can continue on working. I won't be here long." She was waved off though. Catherine wanted to give her her full attention, "How are you? Did you end up sleeping okay?"

"Yep," she emphasized the 'p', "Fell asleep pretty much right after we talked. How bout you?"

"Same," she finally noticed how close they were sitting. Their legs weren't more than an inch apart, any slight movement would most likely cause them to bump into each other. Catherine hadn't realized that she was staring at Anne's legs which were exposed by her wearing shorts. When Catherine finally looked back up at her face, a small smirk had formed.

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