Bonus Chapter 2!!!

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I wasn't actually mad at Lucas. I was almost finished with the paper and needed a small break anyway. I just wanted to put up an act. "Don't pout." He pinched my cheek and I swatted his hand away. "Aww. Piggy back?" I smiled widely as I jumped onto his back. He caught me quickly before grabbing the apartment keys as we went out the door. "Am I forgiven for stealing you away from your work for a bit?" I knuckled him at the top of his head and he seethed.

"No." He proceeded to ask as he walked down the stairs. "No!" I said loudly while laughing. Whoops. I forgot we weren't the only persons living in this apartment building. I grinned all the way down the stairs, hugging him tightly as we went. Occasionally I tugged on his cheeks or ruffled his hair. I made him uncomfortable the entire time.


I was surprised when Lucas pulled up at a building. I frowned as I exited the car. It was pretty dark out here too. I quickly made my way to his side, grasping his hand. He smiled at me before moving forward. I followed suit, a bit skeptical. "Why are we here again?" He pushed the door open and I followed despite the dimness in the building.

I could barely see where I was going so I was clinging onto Lucas. He stopped and turned to look at me briefly. "You trust me, right?" I nodded, a little scared. I mean, you couldn't blame me. I was suddenly taken from my home by my boyfriend who drove me out here and proceeded to guide me through the semi dark of a building I had never been in nor seen before. I had a right to feel skittish.

I felt Lucas' hands slipped from mine and then the lights went out completely. I froze in place, my heart pounding. Where did Lucas go? I searched around my surroundings with my hands, the panic slowly rising. "Lucas? Where'd you go?" My voice echoed and that gave me a fright having been caught off guard. "Lucas?"

I froze in place as a soft glow slowly gave light to the darkened room. A pool came into view as balloon like hearts resting in it lit it up. They slowly began to rise and my eyes widened at the beauty I was seeing before me. The red heart balloons were all ascending with such grace that I took a step forward in awe. As they all depart from the water, thousands of red petals float about, adding to the beautiful scene in front me.

A huge smile lit up my face as I stared out at the pool. A soft melody started playing in the background and I looked over at my left to see my mom, Mrs. Patterson and Rhen walking towards me. They all had a red balloon that glowed on the outline of the heart. It illuminated the planes of their faces as they slowly made their way towards me before stopping, then making a horizontal line to face me. I beamed at them, water filling my eyes.

So many emotions were toying with my heart right now. They all bothered around happiness and delight. I looked over to my left and standing in a horizontal line facing me as well, were Mr. Patterson, Daron and Parker with identical lit up heart balloons in their hands. I placed a hand over my heart, unable to contain my joy.

"Stella, would you-" I returned my gave to the front of me just in time to see Lucas go down on one knee. My heart literally skipped a beat. Wait. Was this... "Marry me?" For a moment, my brain completely shut down and I was staring at him with wide eyes. I wasn't processing what was going on. There were hearts and flower petals and Lucas on one knee. There was a beautiful ring glimmering from a box in his hands as he smiled up at me.

I pressed a hand to my mouth in realisation. This wasn't a joke or a dream. This was my reality. Something I never thought would have happened soon. We were both twenty one and I thought that it would be years before that could happen. My eyes found the lit up 'Marry me?" in the swimming pool and my heart skipped a beat yet again.

"Stella Grayson, I love you with all my heart. There's no one that can ever replace you. There's no one that I would trade you for." His eyes were piercing into mine, a circle of emotions dancing in them. "No one can smile like you do. No one can love me or care for me the way you do. No one can bring me such joy like you do." Water pooled in my eyes as I listened to him.

My Best Friend Becomes My LoverTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang