Chapter 12

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Draco POV
Harry and I flew down. We put the brooms in the storage room and the snitch too. We entered the living room and saw Blaise and Ron cuddling with each other on the couch.

"Hey-aye better not do any sexual stuff." I told the two boys.

"Oh shut up Draco!" Hermione punched my left arm.

And not gonna lie it kinda hurt, I rubbed my arm a bit. Hermione had her cute giggle, which made me smile.

"So apparently we can't cuddle." Blaise said annoyed.

"I'm just saying." I responded.

Ron was blushing crazy. 

"So what are we going to do?"

"Want to play quidditch?" Harry asked.

"I'm not joining." My cupcake stated.

"Are why is that?" I asked.

"Brooms and I don't cooperate." Hermione said softly.

"Then you can go with my mum."

"She is probably with Severus though."

"I'm sure she won't mind."

"I'll go ask real quick-"

"I'll just watch you guys!"

"Okay than."

I knew Hermione didn't want to be alone.

"So what are the teams?" Ron asked.

"Easy! Slytherin and Gryffindor." Harry said.

"Well it's going to be hard, seeing that it's a teams of two." I said.

"We can invite George and you guys can invite Goyle." Ron suggested.

I nodded and sent an owl to Goyle and Ron flooed to the Burrow to get George. A minute later George and Ron show up.

"Welcome to the Manor." I welcomed.

"Hi Draco." George held his hand out.

I shook his hand and he greeted the others. George was just like Ron so it was easy to get along with him.

"Mr. Weasley." Severus comes in the room.

George jumped a bit.

"P-Professor!" George got scared.

"Sev don't scare George like that." Harry half-yelled.

"Wait- is there something I should know?" George was hella confused.

"Oh! Well George, Sev is my mate. I got my inheritance about a couple of weeks ago. I thought Ron told told you." Harry replied.

"Well Won-Won never tells me anything."

Ron was red.

"Won-Won aye?" Blaise laughed.

"Sh-Shut up Zabini!" Ron blushed.

"Is there something I should know Ron? What's up with you two?" George questioned and posted at them.

"H-He's my boyfriend."

"I'm really far behind on what's happening, aren't I?" George laughed.

We all laughed.

"Well, you're still recovering about Fred." Harry looked down.

"Y-yea. I can't believe that happened still. A part of me is dead right now."

Ron and Harry gave him a hug. Goyle than came. He got a bit fit and thinner now.

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