Chapter One

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Note: Snape and Dumbledore do not die! I don't own any of these characters, J.K Rowling do!

This take place after the war.


Hermione, Ron and Harry find there way back to Platform 9 3/4. After the war Ron and Hermione decide that they should stay as best friends and nothing else more.

"Wow, I do miss coming here!" Hermione says

"Of course you do! All you want to do is studyy!" Ron replied.

Hermione rolled her eyes. She decides to walk out of the compartment, when she meets eyes with stormy grey eyes. Her and the eyes quickly turn the other way.

What was this feeling Hermione was getting?

She didn't even know whose eyes it was. But her gut was saying that she knew him. Before she can get a closer look to see who it was, he was already gone.

She went to go and pay a visit to Luna and Neville.

"Hey Hermione!" Neville exclaimed and gave a hug to Hermione.

"Hi Neville and Luna! It's nice to see you. How have you been since after the w-war?" The Gryffindor girl says while her excitement slowly fades away.

"Oh well Neville and I got together and have been slowly healing and feeling better. How about you? Who are you and Ron doing?" Luna says calmly.

"Well, Ron and I decided that we should stick as best friends but everything is going well. Harry still has a couple of nightmares here and there."

"Oh so sorry for asking!" Luna says.

"Oh please it's alright!" Hermione replied.

"Well better off be going! It was nice seeing you guys!" Hermione said.


"Attention all students, we have arrived at Hogwarts.

Everyone went to a carriage.

It felt like home. Some students stayed after the war to repair the castle. She headed to the Great Hall. There she sat with her best friends. She lost interest on eating after the war, instead she pulled out a book and read.

"hermione you should eat. You are getting thinner and thinner everyday. I know how it feels. I've been there.I was in that exact same state as you after losing Sirius. Please don't be like me; you'll soon regret it. I did. " Harry admittied.

Draco overheard the conversion.

"Attention please!" Professor Dumbledore says out loud.

The students stop talking.

"Since the damaged to the castle due to the war. We will be sharing doors with the other houses."

The students murmured.

"Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws will be sharing. And Slytherin and Gryffindor will be sharing dorms to end their rivalry."

"Seriously?!" Ron said under his breath.

"Ron maybe he is right. This is all stupid. We should give the Slytherins a second chance. Everyone should get second chances. Maybe they have changed.." Hermione stated

"Hermione is right, Ron"

"Fine but I swear if they hurt any of you-"

"Ron that's enough, stop it!" Hermione half yelled.


After the Feast

Hermione got her trunk and headed to the dorms. She saw some Slytherins waiting outside of the Fat Lady painting.

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