"Cheers to tonight. To enjoying our little bubble before we have to go back to reality." He sincerely smiled at me before raising the bottle to his lips.

I took a small swig, following through with the cheers before I spoke.

"I don't want to leave the bubble." I said softly, barely puckering my bottom lip as the hint of alcohol running through my veins suddenly made me a little more emotional than I wanted to be.

Damn it Lena, why do you have to be such a lightweight. Please don't say something you're gonna regret.

"Neither do I." Austin gave me a shy smile before pecking my lips.

My heart was racing a mile a minute as his lips swayed smoothly with mine.

I felt my guard crashing down and I hated myself for it. A part of me was fighting to the death to resist this man while the other part was ready to hand my heart over to him on a silver fucking platter. I felt myself literally being torn in two as I internally battled my stubborn demons. 

Lena what are you doing? You're not suppose to want more. You're not suppose to let him in. He's literally a rockstar with millions of women chasing him. He's going to shatter your heart into a million fucking pieces and you're going to end up all alone.

But think about how he makes you feel Lena. How you can't stop thinking about him before you fall asleep at night. How one look from him makes you feel a roller coaster of emotions. How your heart floods with warmth every time he kisses you. Why does it feel so fucking right when you want it so badly to feel wrong?

I slowly pulled away from him, the voices bickering in my head becoming much too overbearing and I suddenly couldn't hold it in any longer. I had to ask him what this was between us. I needed to know how he felt about me, if he felt anything at all.

"Austin, I-"

Both of our heads turned as we heard the front door open and the entire team rowdily burst their way in.

The guys were completely drunk out of their mind, stumbling and yelling at the top of their lungs as they entered.

"Guys! What happened? You never showed!" Jay exclaimed as he slumped down onto the couch next to me, reaching for a breadstick.

"We uh- we ordered Postmates while we were working and then kinda got caught up watching Netflix." Austin mumbled nervously. I could tell he was a terrible liar but everyone was mostly drunk and would probably believe anything he said anyway.

They crowded around us belligerently picking at our leftovers that sat on the coffee table.

Vanessa shot me a small wink from across the room while Smitty slyly smirked at Austin. Adam simply rolled his eyes in our direction as he shook his head.

No one else really seemed to care why we didn't go to the nightclub and it seemed like they had bought our excuse.

Except for Natalie, who was suspiciously staring at us from the second she walked through the door. She made her way over to the sofa and sank down on the other side of Austin.

"Wasn't the deadline two hours ago?" She questioned, her lips pursed as she glared furiously at us.

"It's 2 am?" I absentmindedly asked as I checked my phone.

"Time just flies when you're binge watching The Office." Austin chuckled, cutting in to save me from having to answer to Natalie, whose attention was quickly diverted to him.

I Think Your Love Would Be Too Much / Post MaloneOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz