Chapter 48

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Lena POV

I watched as the man I was head over heels for walk away from me after his unforseen confession seemingly left me in a sea of astonishment.

I stood still with my mouth still partly hung open and my entire body nearly trembling from head to toe.

He loved me.

Austin Richard Post loved me and here I was, screwing it all up.

I hung my head in defeat as I felt my heart being torn into pieces. I knew I wanted to forget the last 5 hours and just rewind time to just before we left for the lounge.

I wanted to pretend like what happened with Natalie didn't occur and we could go back to our precious little bubble, trapped inside with the man I loved.

But life didn't work like that, and here I was, alone.

Just as I had predicted, this whole situation had somehow resulted in me losing my job. But what I never expected was Austin to be the one to fire me.

I looked up into the sky, watching the sun peak it's way through the morning clouds. I inhaled a deep breath, hoping the sunrise would somehow wash away all of my sorrows but here I stood, still as empty as ever.

I swallowed hard, my throat aching from how much I had managed to cry in this single night. I pushed my bedhead waves out of my face and made my way back into the house.

I closed the French doors, locking them behind me as I tiptoed through the dark kitchen.

I walked by the island, running my hand over the countertop, almost smiling to myself as I thought about the morning Austin and I made love on top of it.

But my smile soon faded as his words echoed in my ears.

"You're fired."

"Maybe you shouldn't be working for me right now."

My heart sank as I realized I was going to have to leave Utah and fly back to LA.

I suddenly wanted to cry all over again at the thought of being in an empty apartment without seeing Austin every single day.

I walked slowly up the staircase, admiring the beautiful house I had quickly called home as the sadness heavily dwelled in my mind.

Why did this hurt more than any other break up I had ever gone through? And to think we were never even officially together

But at this point, a title didn't matter, because it sure as hell felt like we were.

I quietly made my way to my room, slipping into the sheets, hoping a slumber of sleep would take away the pain in my heart even if it was just for the time being.


I spent the next day packing up the last of my belongings into my two large suitcases before I gathered the courage to look for Austin to ask him about arranging my flight back to LA.

A part of me was tempting to just book my own flight and leave without saying goodbye. But I knew that would only leave a bitter taste in both of our mouths and I couldn't bear to leave on those circumstances.

But as I looked around the house for him, he was no where to be found.

"Hey V." I said in a low voice, entering the kitchen to see her eating a bowl of mac and cheese as she sat perched at the island.

"Oh hey there stranger. Didn't even see you and Romeo slip out of the club last night. Must have been nice to have the house to yourselves." She winked as she shoved a spoonful of pasta into her mouth.

I Think Your Love Would Be Too Much / Post MaloneWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt