pizza party (fluff)

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warnings: mentions of alcohol (water ;) )

word count: 1193

"hey sam?" you called out to your good friend. you had been staying in his apartment since you were out visiting from home.

you and sam had been friends since you were little kids, even through out some of middle school. but sadly you had to move schools due to parents work, so you guys lost touch for a little. sam got ahold of you a little bit ago, asking if you wanted to hang out with him in la and meet some of his friends. of course you said yes. you missed you friend, he missed hanging out with you too.

sam exited his bedroom, coming up to you. "whatcha need?" he asked, leaning against the wall on one hand.

"can i borrow one of your xplr hoodies? it's kinda chilly." you ask, you were standing in his closet that was in the other room, looking at his array of hoodies.

"of course, are your own hoodies not good enough?" he asked jokingly, standing beside you now.

"nooo, i just didnt bring one. i didn't think la would get cold." you mocked him, reaching up and grabbing a yellow xplr hoodie.

"well, you were mistaken." sam shrugged "colbys party starts at 8, so you got like 40 ish minutes to get ready." he said, checking the time on his phone.

"doesn't he live across the hall?" you ask, an eyebrow raised.

sam nodded, "yea, but i figured you'd want to look all fancy and stuff." he flicked his hand out, swaying his hips a little.

"ah yes, ripped jeans and your hoodie is looking fancy and stuff." you mock his actions and tone. "i just need a little makeup after i get dressed, then i'm good to go. so shoo so i can get ready." you fanned him away, shutting the door after he left.

"alright, alright. i'll be back when it's time to go." he said outside the door.

you slid off the athletic shorts you had been wearing, to put on a classic pair of black ripped jeans. you pulled on sams hoodie over your shirt, smoothing it down. it wasn't too too big, it came down past your hips. sam has a standing mirror in the room, so you sat down in front of it to do your makeup (uhh if you don't wear makeup, discard that.)

after finishing up your makeup, you move onto your hair, you take it out of the updo you were wearing, and brushed it out. it was a little poofy, but you took no time in fixing it to how you wanted it to look. you stood up from the floor, walking over to your backpack. you spirts yourself with perfume before heading out of the room.

"wow, it's like you knew that i was coming in to grab you." sam said, standing in the kitchen. you laugh, grabbing your shoes to slide on.

"what can i say, i'm always one step ahead." you shrug, "ready to go?" you ask, head tilting to the side.

he nods walking to the door, "ladies first." he opened up the door for you.

sam lead you over to colbys apartment. you could hear music faintly playing. it wasn't too loud, but you could definitely tell it was a party. sam opened up the door, making himself known as you both walked in. "hey guys!" he yelled. you just stood behind him laughing, placing your hand over your mouth.

you didn't really recognize anyone. the only person you knew briefly was jake. he was already on the couch eating pizza. colby walked up to you guys, red solo cup in hand. "hey guys, you must be (y/n)?" he asked, opening his arms up for a type of 'bro hug'.

"and you must be the popular colby." you replied, hugging him back. colby flashed you a smile.

"feel free to grab anything to eat or drink, bathroom is that way if you need it." he said point off in some direction.

you thanked him before turning to look for sam. he had already gone to talk to people. you shrug and walk over to the many boxes of pizza. "oh hell yea." you say to yourself as you grab a slice of your favorite pizza.

"did i do good?" colby asks, sliding past you to grab another drink.

you nod as you take a bite of your pizza, looking over to the male. "do you do these little parties often?" you asked, leaning against the island in his kitchen. 

colby took a sip of his drink, standing next to you. "eh, maybe once a month."

"woah. well what a coincidence that i'm in town right now." you say, making a surprised face.

he giggled softly, shaking his head. something about that action made you blush. it was super cute.

you guys chatted for a while, talking about how you knew sam, how you were liking la, if you were going to be doing videos with them. you enjoyed talking to the boy, it felt like you knew him for a while, even though you had just met him tonight. you looked over towards the living room, most of the people had already left. the only people that were left were sam, jake, colby and you.

"that died out quick." colby said to you. you nodded, talking a sip of a drink that colby had made for you while you had been chatting. "i'm gonna move over to the couch, my legs are starting to hurt from standing so long." he says, grabbing onto your waist as he slides past you. you blush a bit, but then follow him over, holding onto the back of his shirt.

both jake and sam were on their phones, having a conversation with each other but not looking up and talking. colby sat down next to sam, and you sat next to colby.

"you guys want to end the night with a movie?" colby asked, grabbing his remote to browse through movies on the tv.

"hell yea, brother." jake said, sitting up. you grabbed a blanket from the back of the couch, putting it over your lap to get comfortable on the couch.

it took longer than you wanted to admit for you all to decide on a movie. colby leaned back after picking the movie. "you're sharing that blanket with me i hope you know." he said pulling the blanket on him. you scooted closer to him so you both would stop fighting over the blanket.

you started to fall asleep durning the movie, your head nodding up and down a bit as you tried to stay awake. sam was already out, his head back on the couch with his mouth wide open. jake was still awake focused on the movie. colby noticed you falling asleep. he wrapped his arm around your waist, pulling you close. you let your head rest in his shoulder, snuggling up to him.

you let yourself fall asleep, cuddled up to colby. his arm stayed wrapped around you. almost like he wanted to keep you safe and warm.

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