{Prompt E-1 } Royality (College AU)

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This is the first one of Pengi11's prompts I received! I am so excited to start working on it!


Patton wiped his forehead as he slammed the last box on top of the pile. A whole new town to explore! He wasn't living with his mom any more! He has room to adventure and eat all the ice cream sandwiches he can buy responsibly! He took off his glasses and wiped the sweat off of the lenses with his shirt so he can see.

Patton already met and had lunch with his roommate. Their name was Janus and they both agreed they live very different life. But they were super nice company to have for lunch. That was at around eleven. How long ago was that? What time is it now? Two thirty? Sounds like a good time to go out for a stroll and explore the town!  

"Janus! I'll be back soon okay?"

"Don't get abducted. You're the first good roommate I've had."

"I won't! Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!"

Patton sighed. They have a very different sense of humor. Patton knew Janus was just joking, but it still unsettled Patton a bit.  Patton grabbed the new keys to his dormroom, which he isn't now used to by the way, and he left. He made sure to lock the door behind him just in case.

Patton never got over the hallways of his new dorm. The carpet is so cool and there are paintings on the walls in between the doors and it's really cool. Patton's favorite painting is three doors down. It's a baby blue butterfly on a bright pink tulip with the sunrise in the horizon. Janus offered to swap the paintings so that it would be closer to their dorm, but Patton refused. 

Patton decided to take a quick picture of the painting. Maybe make it his lock screen or something. But then he I,mediatelt secided not to when he heard the lock behind the adjacent door being fiddle with. He hurried himself off, pretending he was just walking by the entire time. That was awkward. Oh well, ha ha!

Patton hurried out of the dorm and was greeted with bright sun and purple martins singing. Purple Martins were his favorite birds. They'd always be in his backyard as a kid. He used to sit under the porch and throw croutons at the birds because he thought they'd eat them. Why? Because grass plus croutons equaled salad in little Patton's mind!

Patton got a text message maybe seven or eight minutes after he left the dorm building from Janus. That's weird but okay. Maybe they were worried about where something should go or maybe his parents left something for him.

Janus://  What was your major again?

Patton://  Elementary Education! I have a minor in Instruction and I plan on working for a Special Education License. Why ask?

Janus:// I remembered that a close friend of mine who is very similar to you was a psych major. I was curious to see if you were doing something similar.

Janus:// Maybe you know him? He came from a small town similar to yours. Emile Picani?

Patton:// No I don't know him. I'll be happy to meet him though!

Janus:// Fair enough. Ttyl

Patton:// Ttyl!

Patton was walking while texting, a skill he has grown adept in back home. He would have to avoid three dogs, two cats, and a bird around his house while he texted his ex-boyfriend back in middle and high school. 

But apparently he wasn't as good as he thought because he slammed head-first into somebody. Patton nearly dropped his phone and he fell back on him bum bum with a warm splash all over the front of his chest, but he completely forgot about that part. Yikes. His glasses! Oh jinkies where are his glasses? Patton can't see without his glasses! He fumbled around with his free hand, looking for them on the ground. Please oh please don't crack!

Sanders Sides Oneshots: Prompt Swaps with @Pengi11 !Where stories live. Discover now