Chapter 11

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The hybrid held her ground as she waited to see what the grey wolf before her would do in response to her accusation. Katsumi hoped with every fiber of her being that her intuition was wrong, but she's been around this particular block many times before, and she's learned to trust her gut.

Legosi's jaw hung slightly agape under his friend's gaze with her question still ringing in his ears; rattling harder and harder with every passing second. He knows the longer he remains silent the guiltier he looks, but something tells him that in Katsumi's eyes he's already the culprit. Her words may have formed a question, but it came out as an indictment. The wolf doesn't have a clue how the hybrid seems to know about his secret. He was sure nobody else was around them that night or else he would have smelt their scent; although, foxes are known to be quite sneaky.

Legosi closed his jaw and tightened it before trying to formulate a response. Katsumi seems to already know the truth so he figured lying would only make matters worse, "I-I didn't mean...what I'm saying is, I don't know what came over me."

Katsumi raised her brows, "Is that a yes?"

Legosi averted his gaze on the girl and sighed, "Yes," he quickly snapped his head back to Katsumi and lifted his hands in defense, "but it was an accident! I-I didn't mean to hurt her, that's not me." Legosi blurted out suddenly feeling a tad worried now that he confirmed his offense out loud.

"It's not you, huh?" Katsumi mused taking a few steps towards the male. "Then tell me, Legosi, who was it?"

Legosi put his hand to the back of his head and scratched, "Well, it was me that night, but was like a had no control over my body. Before I knew it, I was holding her and wanting to-to hurt her."

"No, Legosi, you wanted to eat her." she corrected him with cold eyes that seemed to hold no emotion in them.

Legosi eyes widened, ", I didn't. I don't!"

"Ahhh, but you do. You can't help it, it's in your blood."

"Wha-No, that's-"

"Not you?"

Legosi exhaled a deep breath knowing that there's no getting out of the mess he's creating for himself, "What are you going to do, Katsumi?"

Katsumi put her thumb under her chin and wrapped one arm over the other, "Good question. Normally, I'd kill you."

Legosi gasped at the words he just heard the hybrid utter so nonchalantly. She said she'd kill him? Just who is this girl?

"But, you didn't actually eat Haru, did you?" she closed her eyes trying to think while the grey wolf stood there watching, not sure if it'd be in his best interest to run. "I do have to commend you for letting her go, though. Not many carnivores are able to overcome their natural instincts like you did, so maybe there's hope for you."

Legosi perked up slightly hearing Katsumi say that there's still hope, "Katsumi, I'm confused."

"Listen, Legosi, Haru told you that she doesn't remember how she got hurt, but she's lying. She doesn't know it was you, but she knows it was somebody." she ignored Legosi's confusion. "You will tell her it was you and apologize. After that, I think I might know somebody I can take you to for help. This type of stuff really isn't my forte."

Legosi's blood ran cold at Katsumi's instructions. She wants him to admit to what he did to the bunny to her face. How could he possibly do that? What would happen after he did? He has no way of knowing how she'd react, but he's sure there's no way he'd get off scot-free. What would his grandfather say?

"Sound fair?" Katsumi broke the wolf out of his thoughts.

"Katsumi, I know what I did was wrong, but can I really just tell her that it was me?" he asked slowly while looking down at his claws with a solemn expression and drooping ears.

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