Chapter 5

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When last week came to a close Katsumi officially gave her answer to the drama club's president. Against Louis's wishes, she decided to join the club. She wasn't completely sure what compelled her to join the club, but whether it be the fact that she felt wanted since they recruited her or she wanted to spend more time with that wolf who is one-fourth reptile or the animals there treated her better than she was used to or she just wanted to see the funny faces Louis will make seeing her in his club, she truly did feel something drawing her to the club. So, she took that as a sign and joined.

Katsumi was given the script for their next play and a cast list. The fight scenes were marked in the script and the outcome was indicated, as well. It was Katsumi's job to plan the scene and teach it to the actors the moves while trying to make it as realistic as she could. She was glad that most of the fight scenes were performed with prop swords as blades are her weapon of choice.

Katsumi began to plan the scenes and actually found it quite amusing. Maybe it was because she had a great deal of experience with real altercations of this type, but visualizing the scenes in her head was easy and reminded her of when she and Louis would play make-believe after Louis finished a particularly interesting book about some superhero or other coming out victorious against all odds in an all-out battle for justice. Louis would always play the heroes he adores so much and Katsumi always played the villain, she didn't mind though. Katsumi was never upset about the part she played she was just happy to have a part to play. She loved watching Louis have fun and smile when he would foil Katsumi's imaginary schemes. She never thought that she'd be doing that again, except this time she has a different role. One that actually suits her better, although Louis might disagree. Katsumi is sure Louis thinks her the villain in his story at the moment. She kept thinking back to the disagreement they had before she left the drama club the first time she visited. He accused her of being upset with him and trying to ruin his life.

She didn't know he was even in the drama club let alone the lead actor and next officer. Getting into that dispute was barely even the third time they talked, but he thinks she's out to get him? Sh doesn't know how much she could truly be bothering the deer when they barely ever see each other.

Louis, on the other hand, feels like since he first saw Katsumi on the roof she never left his sight after. It was like even though she wasn't physically around him her presence lingered behind him, never to be seen but always felt. It was a nagging sensation to Louis and not to mention that the whole school is talking about her now.

It seems that the two guys that Katsumi fought at the beginning of last week have quite the following because there isn't anybody who doesn't know and the rumors have just been snowballing. It started as Katsumi roughed the two up after an argument and suddenly escalated to the hybrid actively seeks out animals to beat the living hell out of and enjoys doing it.

Most students won't go near her as to not risk giving her a wrong look. Anytime she walks into a room it shifts....away from her. Larger breed carnivores aren't too worried about her, but everyone else would rather not risk being her next victim. The whole thing doesn't seem to bother her at all and doesn't really affect her very much.

Katsumi wakes up and does her morning routine, sees the garden and sometimes Haru at lunch, goes to the garden after school, and has been attending drama club meetings to do her work as fight choreographer there. Fewer animals have been bothering her lately so she might actually be grateful for those two blabbermouths for making her public enemy number one of Cherryton.

Louis sees Katsumi walked the halls and despite the awful said about her by the hushed voices of her classmates, she stands tall and pretends like she doesn't hear what is being said but she's part fox. She can hear everything.

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