"Yes sir?" The masked man smirked and showed tubes, it had odd colours, and it was glowing with different colors. Flame looked very proud of this, whilst Ryujin was trying to call her and hear the conversation.

"So, I have thought of something. Since I have the manipulation, maybe, I can do more. To more people. I found these in some particles of a comet, and it has the same glow of what I gave to Ryujin. Now we need to find some depressed mundanes and hit them with this" Ryujin didn't know what's been said, but knew that its probably the worst. Flame deactivated the bubble that blocks Ryujin to hear and did a little smirk making her awfully confused.

'Flame? How did you do that? What happened?'

"Nothing nothing Ryujin, they just said that were of to a mission." The girl told and the masked man left, with a deep chuckle.

'What mission?'

Ryujin curiously asked, and Flame sighed, whilst walking on over to the tubes with the odd colors. It looked so.. mysterious. Ryujin had many thoughts and mostly questions to Flame, that she kept on asking. But she knew that the other wouldn't answer just all of it, or even not answer at all.. "Ryujin, were saving people. Unlike your friends, their making things worse."

'Wait what? What do you mean?'

"Look, you see these? These are some viles that would change people, and become powerful, have powers like you. Isn't that cool?" Ryujin had mixed feelings for this. It is.. good but it also is bad itself.

'Flame.. how many viles are there?'

"About 3, see. Those are the 3 viles for the 3 people that would get it." The girl was amazed and for the minute that passed, she turned back to herself, as Flame was back to hee conscience. She observed the viles.. it was attracting. Like it was calling you to get it.

'Ryujin? Ryujin! Come on, he told us to go and give it to depressed humans.'

Ryujin gulped and gripped it tight. She placed it in the satchel nearby and saw the papers of the respective people. Is she really doing this? She actually believed Flame about the good stuff they are doing with the viles? "I trust you Flame"
Flame was taken aback, but chuckled.

'Thanks Ryujin'


She was walking in the alley, wearing a cloak. The mist was there, but it didn't really interrupt her view. She then heard some crying noises nearby, and she then turned to Flame. "I guess I'm the one giving this" she walked as Ryujin replied with a 'yeah'.

Flame then saw a boy, he was crying his heart out and looked up, when seeing her view. "Hello boy, here's something that will make everything change to you. You can be setted free, and live your life. But stay with us, to be safe." The boy agreed and held her hand, as they walked farther. She took out the vile and injected him in, he was groaning from It. It was too... painful.

'Your hurting him!'

Ryujin exclaimed, but Flame didn't really care. She had a smile on her face, making Ryujin ask a question to her.

'and why are you smiling?'

The girl huffed and the boy then turned to his other self. "Is because, the vile he chose, was the vile where my love is at " She held the boy's hand and he hugged her.

"I missed you Flame"

"I did as well, Frost"

(I just remembered Jack Frost lmao-)

'ICY BUT IM ON FIREEE' Ryujin was heard singing the beat of a song. She has wrote that song in hee warrior days, when she was alone. She has that habit of making some music, but she thought showing it to everyone makes her not even warrior like, so she hid it.

"Shush Ryujin!" Flame scolded, making Ryujin quiet down. Frost giggled and caressed the girls cheek.

'This is hella disgusting' the boy in Frosts conscience said, making him roll his eyes.

"So, now we reunited, let's make the others unite as well?" Flame considered and the boy nodded. The two walked hand in hand, to the abandoned building. They'll do it tomorrow instead.

When they went to the building, Ryujin and the boy went back taking control. "EW GET YOUR HAND AWAY PLEASE, I'M TAKEN!!" Ryujin exclaimed, but then covered her mouth with her hand, when she heard what she just said.

'By who?' Flame teased as Ryujin scoffed. 'Is it Beomgyu Ryujin?' The girl rolled her eyes and shook her head

"By who?" The boy asked as well. Ryujin glanced at him- no, glared at him, making him scared. That reminded her of Beomgyu, now she missed him so bad.

"Who are you anyways?" Ryujin changed th topic and folded her arms.

"Oh, I'm Jaemin. I just got a fight with my friends and.. my family." He looked down and Ryujin patted his back, making him give her a small smile. They stopped when they heard a voice, it was the Masked man. They immediately switched back, and Flame told him that Frost is the one back.

"Ok, continue this project. One boy, one girl perhaps." He said and left.

A reunion for the two, and a start of a new friendship for the other..

UPDATE IS SOON, I PROMISE YOU!! (Probably later or something, for a sorry :D)

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