"That's not true," Scarlette whispered to herself in reflex, but Niall heard the words and instead turned to the brunette, knowing he was more likely to get some real answers from her.  

"Did Jasper do this?" Even having to mutter that name, made Niall's blood boil. It was when Scarlette turned to Ocean with worried eyes, that the gesture confirmed Niall's theories.

"He's gonna fuckin' get it!" He spat as his fists clenched automatically and his body turned towards the door again. 

Ocean grabbed him by the arm, his intentions making a chuckle to leave her lips. "What do you think you're doing?" She asked mockingly. 

"I'm gonna beat the shit out'a him."

"You're gonna beat him up?!" The scoff spilled from her lips as she couldn't believe what she was hearing. Of course, his intentions were good and it warmed her heart but she wasn't going to firstly admit that, nor was she capable of allowing him to go about doing it, as she knew it was a ridiculous thought.

"Why're ya laughin'? I ain't jokin'."

"You don't know what you're saying, Niall." Her voice turned serious, leaving all jokes aside. "You don't want to go about doing that, not with him. Plus, you don't know where he is anyway..." 

"Don't worry about that, I'll find him." He said firmly before adding, "And I can stick up for meself, Ocean. Wha'? You don't think I can take him?"

"Of course not." She replied slightly too quickly not thinking about how that could potentially be a blow to his ego. Yet, she carried on, "He's not the type of guy you want to mess with. He's trouble Niall, and he'll happily destroy you."

"She's right," Scarlette added, taking in his offended reaction but wanting to reassure him that Jasper was not an easy guy to deal with. "You wouldn't know what you're getting yourself into."

"So wha', I'm just supposed to stand aside and do nothin' about the fact that a guy came into a house with two innocent young girls and cause havoc in the middle of the night?" 

His common sense made Ocean's heart warm, but she didn't allow the smile that wanted to crawl on her lips to appear.

"That's exactly what you should do. I've dealt with the problem, Niall. He won't be bothering us again." She reassured him with a small forced smile. "Just drop it okay?"

"But he hurt you." He added through clenched teeth, as his eyes bore into hers. 

"He didn't hurt me, for God's sake! I fucking aimed a frame at him and the glass cut my finger when I tried picking it up, that's it. Honestly, just leave it. Don't get involved. Please."

But Niall gave no answer. 

So, Ocean placed a gentle hand on his tensed jaw and tried to smile at him again as she repeated, "Please."

There was a moment of silence, as both of them kept looking at each other. Niall wanted to protect her; he felt so attached to her, that knowing that she had been caused pain completely destroyed him. But he saw the desperation in her eyes, and knew that dragging this situation further was just going to push her buttons and he had already experienced the results of her upheaved temper. So, Niall simple nodded once, but added nothing. 

"Good." She spoke softly, removing her hand. 

"Good." He forced himself to say, knowing the word was becoming their thing and just as he pronounced the word, Ocean greeted him with a small cheerful laugh. 

"I'll be right back," She said, as she put her finger back into her mouth and headed to the kitchen to try and clean her wound. 

As soon as the girl with silvery-blue hair left the room, Scarlette rushed to Niall's side and began speaking in a hushed tone. 

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