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"Are your eyes blue?" Niall asked as he stared at her through the glistening water that was making shapes on her porcelain face. It was a silly question, I suppose, but the lad was never sure what colour they were exactly. Whenever he looked deep into them, he could swear they changed colour by the second. The thought reminded him of the first moment he saw her, when he was in hospital with a broken nose, and he noticed that her eyes even had grey in them which then transformed into a violet-blue shade as the light shone on them. 

The girl with silvery-blue hair batted her eyelashes and looked down with a smile. "From all the things you seem to already know about me, I would have thought the colour of my eyes would be at the top of your list."

Niall felt himself blush momentarily before replying, "Yeah, bu' yours are different. They seem to change every time I look at them."

"That's 'cause I'm a vampire." She tried to remain serious, but as the words splattered out a burst of laughter came along with it. "You're such a cheesy little skeez, why do you want to know what colour my eyes are?"

"Just 'cause." He replied firmly, furrowing his eyebrows in thought. The question was really pondering in his head, as he knew it was something really important to know as they were the eyes he dreamt about every night and therefore wanted to know them better.

"Well maybe next time you should look harder..." She laced her words with a lustful playfulness tone which was followed by another swig of the wine bottle.

Niall smiled giddily and swam towards the girl with hunger quickly growing in his eyes and in the arms that curved around the girl's naked body once they reached her. Ocean didn't move a muscle and simply stared at him with a raised eyebrow and a smirk lingering on her lips anticipating what things he was going to do next. 

"Ya're a fuckin' tease, you are." He chuckled as his chest vibrated against hers before taking the bottle from her hands. "I'm lookin' at ya right now, so how hard is hard?"

The girl pursed her lips wittingly making her pink lips pout subtly resembling a French model for a moment.

"The hard that takes my breath away and is done senselessly. The hard that takes me to another world and leaves me bare but wanting nothing more than to be done all over again."

Niall was lost for words, his breathing was becoming a tide inside him which was making every fibre of his body boil hot with longing for the precious pearl in his arms. His hand slid down her chest and down her her leg, making tiny circles in her inner thigh and brushing a thumb over her womanhood before parting her legs wide and briskly entering her with a fiery haste.

The only thing the girl could do was sharply draw breath in and claw her hands on the popstar's shoulders as the water began to whirl around them from the speed. Yet, just as Niall found the girl's reddened spot under her ear again and was about to leave another mark of his yearnings on her neck, there was a noise not too far from where the two bodies were uniting as one.

"Fuck--" Ocean grunted out of breath. 

"Hello?" The sound echoed loud and clear inside the room. 

"Shit." The lad mumbled sternly as he pulled out of Ocean's enticing body. "He's gonna know we're in here." 

Ocean laughed coldly as she watched the lad pull himself up and reach for his trousers. 

"What the fuck are ya laughin' for?" He fired the words at her in a forced whisper. "We need to hide."

That's when Ocean truly laughed out loud, her laugh bounced off the walls and echoed boldly in the dark room around them. She pulled her arms back and began swimming backwards slowly watching the lad in front of her.

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