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   George and Rosie ran out of the school at the speed of lightning, both hoping beyond hope that the plan would work. George stopped, and suddenly saw 'struggling' in the car. Rosie stared at the car. Would Marty really do something like this?

   "Let me go!" Lorraine exclaimed. George took a deep breath, and walked confidently up to the car door. George opened the door and pointed.

   "Hey you, get your damn hands off," he said. Biff turned his head, and George realized what had happened. Rosie walked behind him and saw Biff pinning Lorraine down.

   "I think you got the wrong car McFly," Biff said. Lorraine sat up, obviously scared and hurt. She couldn't see Rosie from her angle.

   "George. Help me! Please!" She begged, before getting pushed down by Biff.

   "Just turn around, McFly, and walk away," Biff said with an 'or else' attitude. "Are you deaf McFly? Close the door, and beat it."

Lorraine sobbed, and began to whimper. George raised a finger to the air, then pointed it at Biff. Rosie stood, petrified and not knowing what to do.

"No Biff. You leave her alone," he said bravely. This activated Biff, and he raised Lorraine's legs, allowing him access out of the car.

"Alright McFly," he said. Lorraine fell back as he stepped out. "You're asking for it, and now you're gonna get it. George tried to punch him, but Biff caught it.

"Biff stop it!" Rosie suddenly yelled from the sidelines. Biff looked at her.

"Well look who showed up," he taunted. Biff began to twist George's arm tightly, lowering him to the ground.

"Stop you'll break his arm!" Lorraine screamed. Rosie wanted to do something, but was still too afraid. Where was Marty?
"Gimme a hand here, Reginald," one of the band members said as they tried to open the trunk. "Oww! Damn it man! I sliced my hand!"

"Damn," another said. They opened the trunk and Marty hopped out, happy to be out of the small space. He thanked the kind men and started running as fast as his legs would carry him.

"You're gonna break his arm!" Lorraine screamed again.

"Let him go!" Rosie exclaimed, finally gaining her confidence, running over to Biff, and trying to pull his arm from George. He stood up and grabbed her face, shoving her down to the ground. "Let him go! Let him go!" George suddenly clasped his hand into a fist, preparing himself for a risk he never would have taken before today. He stood up and punched Biff, launching him into the side of the car. Biff passed out, and Marty ran into the parking lot, seeing Biff falling to the ground. Lorraine got out of the car, helping Rosie up off of the ground and helping her dust off, both girls in shock of the boy in front of them.

"Are you okay?" George asked Lorraine and Rosie stepped out of the way. Marty ran to Rosie's side, asking her if she was okay, and checking her face to make sure she was telling the truth. He set a hand on her cheek, inspecting the area. She nodded reassuringly. He looked into her eyes for a moment, then nodded.

"I'm okay Marty," she said. "All better now that you're here." He pulled her close and hugged her tightly, kissing the top of her head lovingly and sigh care.

George and Lorraine connected hands, making eye contact. They walked into the school, holding hands tightly as students began to rally around Biff.

"Come on," Marty said, picking Rosie up bridal style and carrying her out of the parking lot as she tucked her head into his shoulder. He set her down and he took out the picture of his siblings, only to see his sister still disappearing.

"How can that be?" Rosie asked. Marty looked at her and grabbed her hand, running fast. They reached the car where Marty had previously been locked up.

"Hey guys, you gotta get back in there and finish the dance," Marty said desperately to the band.

"Hey man, look at Marvin's hand. He can't play with his hand like that, and we can't play without him."

"Marvin please, you have to play," Rosie said. "That's where they have their first kiss. On that dance floor."

"And if there's no music they can't dance," Marty finished, feeling sick. "and if they can't dance they can't kiss. If they can't kiss they can't fall in love and I'm history."

"Hey man the dance is over, unless you know somebody else that can play the guitar."

"Marty can do it!" Rosie exclaimed. "He's really good too!"

"Thanks Rosie," he said.

"I always told you you'd get to play in front of people."

In almost no time at all, Marty was up on that stage, strumming chords to make sure the guitar was in tune. He began to follow the song with the guitar.

"This is for all you lovers out there," the man with the microphone said. Marty looked out to see George and Lorraine dancing with each other, looking fondly at each other.

He then looked at where Rosie was sitting, staring longingly at her parents, who were supposed to be dancing, but instead, standing still and staring at each other, smiling lovingly. Marty followed her line of sight and gave a bittersweet smile as well. This would make it even harder for her to accept her parents' deaths once again. He wished that he could do something to help her, or her parents.

He looked over at his parents, then at the picture of his siblings. But it was no longer a picture he recingjnized. It was only him, and he was beginning to disappear. He looked over and saw someone pulling Lorraine away from George before they could kiss. Marty's arm began to feel as if it was asleep, and his chords began to sound off. Rosie looked up from her daydream and saw Marty struggling with playing. That had never happened before. She stood up and began to make her way through the crowd of people. He started to sit down and she made it to the stage, hopping up.

"What's happening?" She asked him. He looked over at her, fear in his eyes.

"I can't play," he said. Rosie looked over at the photograph and nearly threw up. Marty was disappearing, and fast. She looked at his hand, and saw right through it. She grabbed it tightly in her own. The two turned around to see George talking to the boy who had inappropriately cut into their dance. He shoved him and kissed Lorraine passionately. Rosie silently cheered and Marty jumped up dramatically, beginning to play the guitar again. Rosie jumped off the stage and ran to the back of the room, grabbing a drink of punch. Marty held his hand up to his face and began to move it, then looked at Rosie. They made eye contact and for the second time on stage, Marty winked at Rosie. She raised her cup of punch to him as he smiled, then focused on the song.

"I'm just a fool," the lyrics of the song sang. "A fool in love."

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