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   "I still don't understand. How am I supposed to go to the dance with her if she's already going to the dance with you?" George asked.

   "Well because George, she wants to go with you. She just doesn't know it yet. That's why we gotta show her that you, George McFly, are a fighter. You're somebody who's gonna stand up for yourself. Somebody who's gonna protect her," Marty told George as they carried baskets and bags.

   "Yeah but I've never picked a fight in my entire life," George said, setting the basket down.

   "Look you're not gonna be picking a fight dad-dad-daddio," Marty tried to cover. "You're coming to her rescue, right? Okay let's go over the plan again. 8:55, where are you gonna be?"

   "I'm gonna be at the dance," George replied, hanging clothes on the wire.

   "Right. And where am I gonna be?" Marty asked, testing him.

   "You're gonna be in the car with her," he replied.

   "Right okay so around 9:00, she's gonna get very angry with me," Marty said, moving his hands.

   "Why is she gonna get angry with you?" George asked, turning around slightly, and grabbing another piece of clothing.

   "Well because, George, nice girls get angry when guys take advantage of them," Marty said, embarrassed and ashamed of the plan he had come up with. He didn't tell Rosie about it. He didn't want her to think less of him.

   "Oh you mean you're gonna go touch her on her..." George said, walking closer, and pointing towards his chest.

   "No! No George, look," Marty said. "It's just an act, right? Okay so, 9:00, you're strolling through the parking lot. You see us, uh, struggling in the car. You walk up, open the door, and you say... your line, George."

   "Oh! Uh- Hey you, get your damn hands off her!" He said with his hands out, as if he had just done a trick. "You really think u oughta swear?"

   "Yes definitely. Goddamnit George, swear. Okay. So now you come up. You punch me in the stomach. I'm out for the count, right? And you and Lorraine live happily ever after," Marty said. He hoped Rosie wouldn't be there to see it.

   "Oh you make it sound so easy," George replied. "I just-I wish I wasn't so scared."

   "George there's nothing to be afraid of," Marty told him. "All it takes is a little self-confidence. You know, if you put your mind to it, you can accomplish anything." They said their goodbyes, and Marty turned back around. "Oh one more thing! Can Rosie tag along with you while I drive Lorraine?"

   "Sure thing," George said. They said goodbye again, and Marty went back to Doc's place, ready to put his plan in action, but afraid of the outcome.

   That night, Marty stepped out of Doc's car, then held his hand out to Rosie, who took it and stepped out, pulling her light pink dress out from behind her.

   "Are you sure about this storm?" Doc asked to clarify.

   "Since when can weathermen predict the weather, let alone the future," Marty said, shutting the door.

   "Very true," Rosie said, fixing her curly ponytail.

   "You know kids, I'm gonna be very sad to see you go," Doc said, and Rosie couldn't help but think about his body on the ground of the parking lot. "You've really made a difference in my life. You've given me something to shoot for. Just knowing that I'm gonna be around to see 1985, that I'm gonna succeed in this. That I'm gonna have a chance to travel through time!"

   Marty grabbed Rosie's hand tightly at that thought, and she stood behind him, tucking her forehead into the back of his shoulder as he set his other hand in his pocket solemnly.

   "It's gonna be really hard waiting thirty years before I can talk to the both of you about everything that's happened in the past few days. I'm really going to miss you, Marty McFly and Rosie Louis."

   "We're really gonna miss you too Doc," Marty said softly. Doc blinked twice before turning around and walking towards the car again.

   "Doc about the future," Rosie tried.

   "No!" Doc exclaimed. "Rosie we've already agreed that having information about the future can be extremely dangerous. Even if your intentions are good it can backfire drastically. Whatever you've got to tell me, I'll find out through the natural course of time."

   "Okay," Rosie said, nodding, and gripping Marty's hand tighter. The two teenagers walked over to the diner.

   "I have an idea," Marty said. "A note." Rosie considered it.

   "Yes! We can warn him beforehand, without damaging anything!" Rosie said as they sat in the booth, discussing what they should write.

   "Dear doctor Brown, on the night that Rosie and I go back in time, you will be shot by terrorists. Please take whatever precautions are necessary to prevent this terrible disaster. Your friends, Marty," he read out loud, then handed it to Rosie.

   "And Rosie," she said as she signed her signature. She flipped the envelope over to reveal the words 'Do not open until 1985' written in pen. She underlined it and crossed her fingers. "He's gonna be okay."

"I hope so," Marty said. He kissed her cheek and rushed out of the booth, before he could see her blushing the color of her name. He took the car in order to pick up Lorraine and she helped Doc connect wires and finish details for their escape until George picked her up so she would have a ride. She wasn't jealous of Marty taking Lorraine to the dance. It was his mother for goodness sake, but she couldn't help but think that she wanted him to take her to the dance.

   "Evening Doctor Brown. What's with the wire?" A police officer asked at night. Doc looked down from his ladder, then went back to work.

   "Oh just, a little weather experiment," Doc lied.

   "Oh. Whatcha got under here?" The officer asked, pulling the tarp from the car.

   "No! No don't touch that!" Doc exclaimed. "Some new, specialized weather-sensing equipment."

   "You, Uh, got a permit for that?" The officer asked.

   "Of course I do," Doc said. Rosie turned around to see George pulling in.

   "Bye Doc!" She exclaimed, rushing to his car.

   "Bye Rosie!" He called out, and didn't notice her slipping the note in his jacket pocket.

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