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The dance was in full swing as the band played a jazzy tune. Students danced around, including Rosie and George. They were just dancing for fun, and Rosie's ponytail swung carelessly around her head.

"May I cut in," Robby asked. George agreed and Rosie danced with him while George danced with Nancy.

"What's going on?" Rosie asked, still in awe that she was dancing with her teenage father, even though he had died six years ago, in her timeline of course.

"I was just checking on you. It's a bummer that Marty is taking Lorraine to the dance and not you," he said. Rosie's eyes widened as he dipped her skillfully.

"Oh it doesn't bother me," she said. "Why should it?"

"Because sweetheart, I see how you look at him," he said as he spun her.

"That obvious, huh?" She asked. He nodded.

"Rosie he gives you the same look," he said. She was shocked. Could that be true? But he had said that he had a girl back home. Did he really mean that?

"There's no way," she said, doubting herself.

"It's the same look Nancy and I give each other," he said, and Rosie smiled slightly at him.

"You guys are the cutest couple ever. You're gonna last a long time," she told him.

"I really hope so," he said. "I'm gonna marry her one day."

"I can almost guarantee it," Rosie said, turning her face to see Sharon and George dancing and stepping on each other's feet, laughing. Meanwhile, Marty was driving the car into the parking lot. He put the car in park and looked over nervously at his mother. Was he actually going to go through with this?

"Do you mind if we... park... for a while?" Marty asked with regret on his mind.

"That's a great idea. I'd love to park," Lorraine replied.

"Huh?" Marty asked. He vaguely remembered his mother saying that she would never have sat in a parking lot with a boy.

"Marty, I'm almost eighteen years old. It's not like I've never parked before," she informed him.

"What?" Marty asked.

"Marty you seem so nervous. Is something wrong?" She questioned.

"No," he said in a high pitcher voice. "No."

Suddenly, a loud car door closed with a thud, they looked over to the sound Marty turned around to see Lorraine, drinking out of a flask.

"Lorraine, Lorraine, what are you doin'?" Marty asked, reaching over to take the flask away. That was a road he'd rather not see her go down.

"I swiped it from the old lady's liquor cabinet," she said.

"Yeah well, you shouldn't drink."

"Why not?"

"Because you- you might regret it later in life," he said, thinking back to all the times he felt sick to his stomach watching his mom drink. All of the times Rosie told him it was okay to be worried for his mother.

"Marty, don't be such a square," she said. "Everybody who's anybody drinks." He raised his eyebrows, and took a swig from the flask. He looked over and immediately spit it out.

"Geez! You smoke too?"

"Marty, you're beginning to sound just like my mother," Lorraine said, and Marty looked at her as if she was crazy.

Inside of the school, the dance was still lively. The band decided to announce that they were taking a break. George looked at the time, and then checked his watch.

"Come on Rosie," he said, and the two ran out of the school.

Marty stared out of the window of the car, and Lorraine used this time to take off her coat, revealing her shoulders.

"Marty? Why are you so nervous?" She asked curiously.

"Lorraine, have you ever, Uh, been in a situation where you knew you had to act a certain way, but when you got there, you didn't know if you could go through with it?"

"Oh you mean like you're supposed to act on a first date?"

"Oh, Uh, sort of."

"I-I think I know exactly what you mean," she said.

"You do?"

"You know what I do in those situations?"

"What?" He asked, wishing he could sink straight into his chair.

"I don't worry," she replied, leaning over and kissing him. Marty's eyes remained open and in shock as her lips moved against his. She opened her eyes briefly, and they made the most awkward eye contact anyone had ever witnessed. They separated and Lorraine gave him a disgusted look.

"This is all wrong. I don't- I don't know what it is?" She said. "But when I kiss you, it's like I'm kissing my brother. I guess that doesn't make any sense, does it?"

"Believe me. It makes perfect sense," Marty said, relieved. Suddenly, they heard footsteps approaching.

"Someone's coming," Lorraine whispered. The car door opened and Marty was grabbed by the collar of his shirt and came face to face with Biff. Again.

"You cause 300 bucks damage to my car you son of a bitch," Biff said angrily. "And I'm gonna take it outta your ass." He shoved him towards his gang and they caught him, beer bottles in hand.

"Let him go Biff, you're drunk," Lorraine said, crawling slightly out of the car.

"Well lookee what we have here," Biff said, leaning on the car. Lorraine looked down, then crawled further into the car. "No no! Stay right here with me. Come on Lorraine."

Marty struggled to relieve himself from the goons, and hoped that Rosie and George would show up soon.

"Let me go!" Lorraine screamed, and Marty winced.

"Leave her alone you bastard!" Marty exclaimed.

"You guys, take him in back. Alright I'll be right there," Biff ordered. "Just admit that you want it. Come on. Well, go on. This ain't a peep show." He suddenly shut the door and Lorraine screamed.

"Ah!" Marty screamed as he was punched in the gut, the three boys picked him up and brought him to the back of a car, tossing him in the trunk.

"What the hell are you doing to my car?" The owner asked.

"Hey, beat it spook. This don't concern you," one of the boys said. Suddenly, the other three car doors opened, and the boys were outnumbered.

"Who you callin' 'spook' peckerwood?" One of the band members asked.

"Hey, hey listen guys. Look I don't wanna mess with no reefer addicts, okay?"

"Get home to your mama, boy."

"Let me outta here!" Marty exclaimed from the trunk, and was vaguely heard. The only problem was, the keys were in the trunk.
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