Back on the Deck

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July 1, 2024.
Iran is remaining tough and show no sign of being defeated or asking for peace. Already thousands have died on both sides, and Iran is still continuing their brutal gorilla warfare in the mountains, as well is the possibility and threat of Iran launching nuke is growing. The Allied coalition is having success on the eastern front because of the less mountainous terrain. Irans economy is declining as CIA intelligence is saying Iran is eyeing Saudi Arabia and Kuwait and their many oil fields.
There is only one problem standing in the way between Iran and Saudi Arabia's large amount of oil fields. The U.S military is about 100 miles inside Iran on the western front although their stoppage of American forces at THE FORTRESS OF OBLIVION (god I love that name) on the western front has given them an opportunity for major push to divide American forces. But those soldiers are blooded and will need about a month for regrouping and TLC before they can push on, and cut through the American ground forces.
Now VFA-52 is in need for new Attack pilots their squadron after Brooks flight was wiped out at THE FORTRESS OF OBLIVION.
"Foxtrot." said Rugged entering Foxtrot berth.
"Yes." replied Foxtrot.
"Your new pilots are here." said Rugged.
"Ok." answered Foxtrot.
Foxtrot heads to the briefing room to greet the new pilots.
"Hello Officers your combat experience starts today." said Foxtrot in a speech to the new pilots.
"But this isn't like Top Gun, Look around you. Who do you see?" said Foxtrot.
"You will see your fellow pilots. Your friends, colleagues, wingmen. Pilots have died here, aces have touched these walls. You guys are going to be the battering ram for the strike group." said Foxtrot.
"Welcome to the Knight Raiders." said Foxtrot.
The pilots are dismissed but one new pilot catches Foxtrot's eye, A Muslim.
Post 9/11, Muslims where not treated well in the U.S. military even when Muslims have been in the U.S. military since the Revolutionary War.
"Not to be mean but I was not expecting a person like you to be here." said Foxtrot.
"It's fine." said the Pilot. "Hi I'm Aaira el-Salah. Callsign Warrior." Warrior greeted Foxtrot.
"Commanding Officer Schatz, Callsign Foxtrot."
"So why did you join?" asked Foxtrot.
"When I used to live in Iran, my mother, my 2 sisters and I where sent to Evin Prison because me and one of my sister were discovered to both be Lesbians." said Warrior.
Iran prison system is terrifying. They have scarily executed juveniles and LGBT members. As well as betting and torturing "prisoners". The prison is so bad that Fox News called it "Hell on Earth". Rape on females is common and is mostly, if not all the time done by interrogators.
"How did you and your family escape?" asked Foxtrot wanting to know more.
"Um only me and my sister made it out." said Warrior.
"Oh, I am extremely sorry." said Foxtrot.
"It's ok, you had no idea." replied Warrior.
"While I was there my mom was killed be a prison guard and my non-lesbian sister was raped and when she turned up pregnant she was executed." said Warrior.
"That's awful." said Foxtrot. "I know some people that don't support your same gender marriage. But they know that is not the way to get rid of it."
"I know not everyone is going to agree with it." said Warrior. "But nothing nothing can stop love."
"So, How did you escape?" asked Foxtrot knowing Evin and Iran altogether is hard to escape.
"So my sister and I found out that between 3:00 am and 4:00 am there would no one on watch at are cell block." Warrior explained to Foxtrot. "So with some calculations we figured out that we could get out of the prison and be by in Turkey within about 5 days so that night we made are escape."
"Wow." said Foxtrot.
"It's been nice to get to know you." said Warrior.
"Oh, before you go I've assigned you your wingmen." said Foxtrot.
"Who is it?" asked Warrior excited to meet her new wingmen.
"Uh it's LT. Calie Logan, Callsign Valkyrie." said Foxtrot. "Here is her file." said Foxtrot. Foxtrot has files on his pilots so he can pair them up with a wingmen or women that would work well together.
"Um Foxtrot?" asked Warrior.
"Yah?" responded Foxtrot.
"This file says she is in hospital." Warrior asked.
"Don't worry she is suppose to be returning today." replied Foxtrot. "Here let me show where you will be staying." "Your berth will be next to Phoenixes and Turners berth."
As he is showing Warrior around the ship Avalanche stops him.
"Foxtrot, Valkyrie has arrived." said Avalanche.
"Ok, Can you show Warrior around the rest of the ship?" asked Foxtrot.
"Yes I can." respond Avalanche.
"Thanks, I'll be right back for the ceremony."
Foxtrot rushes to the Flight deck and watches as a C-2 grayhound lands on the deck.
The deck crew guides the Grayhound to a parking spot. The cargo door opens and Valkyrie walks on to the flight deck.
"Welcome back Valkyrie!" yelled Foxtrot over the loud nose of the flight deck.
(And yes the flight deck can get extremely loud)
"Thanks." yelled Valkyrie hugging Foxtrot.
"Come on I got someone for you meet." said Foxtrot guiding Valkyrie to meet her new wingmen.
But on the way they pass the wall of previous pilots. A memorial/ honor to pilots who have retired and/or died.
"What's this?" asked Valkyrie. Not ever seeing this on the carrier.
"Oh this was added while you where away." replied Foxtrot.
"Who are they?" asked Valkyrie looking at a 3 fighter pilots. "There time of death is close to each other."
"Um... those first squadron mates." remembered Foxtrot out loud. "Rascal, Charlie, and Rocky were some of my closest friends and were with me at training and where with me when I was first deployed."
"Oh." replied Valkyrie.
"Well we better hurry." said Foxtrot.
They head towards the bunk racks where Foxtrot introduces Valkyrie to Warrior.
"Valkyrie this is your new wingmen LT Aaira el-Salah, Callsign Warrior." said Foxtrot. "Warrior this is LT. Calie Logan, Callsign Valkyrie."
"Nice to meet you." said Warrior.
"Same here." replied Valkyrie.
"Valkyrie you will still fly the F model." said Foxtrot. "But since you haven't flown in a while Valkyrie, I want you to do a quick fly around with Warrior and get to know each other." ordered Foxtrot.
"Yes Sir." said Valkyrie.
"Well then get to it." said Foxtrot.

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