I thought about what he said before responding.

"Hm, I don't know. I really want to show them how much I appreciate everything they've done for me. And the best way for me to do that is to do what they want and what would make them proud."

He didn't say anything for a while and I was worried I had upset him somehow.

"What's wrong?" I asked, nudged his arm playfully.

"Nothing. Just lost in my own thoughts. Sorry," he smiled, "So, did you like your food?"

"Yeah, they were really good. I'd ask how yours were but I'm pretty sure I know the answer already," I chuckled.

"Sorry, I can be pretty vocal when I like something," he laughed.

"I've noticed," I smirked, thinking back to when I had pleasured him.

He simply winked in response. He collected our trash and took it to a nearby trashcan. When he returned he offered me his hand to help me up. I accepted and stood up, quickly releasing my sweaty hand and instead wrapped my arm around his waist.

With his arm draped over my shoulders we headed down the sidewalk that lined the shore. My heart was pounding in my chest as I tried to build up the courage to tell him what I wanted. The sound of the waves crashing on the beach filled the silence between us. It was beautiful out with the lights reflecting off of the water. The cold salty air was definitely making my hair frizz and I self-consciously smoothed my hair down with my free hand.

"Do you know how to surf?" Mikey suddenly asked.

"No, I wish. I'm the least coordinated person ever, remember. Do you?" I asked looking up at him as he spoke.

"Not really, no."

"Really? I don't know why, but when I think of an Australian I imagine them being a total surfer," I chuckled.

He laughed and shook his head.

"I could say the exact same thing about Californians. Yes, I grew up in Sydney which is by the ocean, but I didn't spend very much time in the water. I was much more interested in the skatepark."

"Do you still skateboard?" I asked.

"Uh, yeah. I used to skateboard every day to work. But I haven't had to do that since getting a car."

I nodded before asking, "Did you teach yourself how to ride?"

"Yeah, definitely got a few scars from learning. Wearing a helmet wasn't exactly cool either, it's a miracle I didn't get seriously injured. But, when you're a kid you don't really care about that stuff. You think you're invincible."

"I didn't have that trait at all. I was always afraid of getting hurt. I don't even like going on rollercoasters," I added shaking my head.

He chuckled and separated our bodies. I was confused momentarily but realized that we had arrived back to his car. He unlocked it and I climbed inside feeling defeated and annoyed with myself that I hadn't said it yet. I took a deep breath and the words finally came out.

"I love you."

I saw his hand freeze at the ignition and he turned to face me with a wide grin. I anxiously awaited for him to say something and when he didn't I quickly added, " You don't have to say it back or anything."

He chuckled and shook his head, taking my hand and leaning closer to me.

"I love you, too," he said licking his lip before leaning in and kissing me.

I melted against his touch, incredibly relieved that he had said it back and that I didn't have to awkwardly sit there in silence. I wanted more than ever to be closer to him, our bodies tangled together. But, we were in his car, in a public parking lot.

After a moment I pulled away to ask a question.

"Can we go to your place?"

I bit my lip with anticipation as I awaited his response.

He sighed and rubbed a hand over his facial hair, "I promised your parents, and so did you, that we wouldn't go to my house alone."

I rolled my eyes dismissively, "That was ages ago and what they don't know won't kill them...Please?" I persuaded, running my hand up and down his leg.

A smile crept across his face and he sighed, "Just this once."

I smiled in satisfaction and quickly buckled my seatbelt, excited to finally get some alone time with him. Our makeout sessions in his car the last couple of weeks were not exactly satisfying my desires.

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