Chapter Two: Twilight Sparkle

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A/N: Quick note, so Sunrise_Mist actually edited this after I published it, so, this is the updated version, sorry for inconvenience Xd


We both stumbled into the cafeteria, rows of students were sitting together. She continued to drag me to a table, located in the corner of the room. “Lookie at what I found!” she told everyone. I was out of breath, but somehow Pinkie had tons of energy left over.

All the girls sitting at the table, I had met previously in different classes. There was Rarity and that Fluttershy girl who were from theatre. Applejack and Rainbow Dash from gym. And Pinkie, of course.

There were two seats, on both sides of Pinkie that were empty, "You can sit in the one on the right!" Pinkie said in her usual peppy tone. I nodded and took a seat. I couldn't help but wonder who the other seat was for.

I heard someone's footsteps running towards us, "I'm here! Sorry I'm late!" My gaze turned to the most beautiful girl I had seen in my entire life. 

She had wavy red hair with yellow streaks, a light gray shirt with a half-crimson half-yellow sun on it, where have I seen that…? I shrugged it off and continued to admire the girl, she was wearing ripped blue jeans and a leather jacket to top it off. But the thing about her that caught my eyes the most were her beautiful cyan eyes... 

I didn't realize that I was staring until she looked me directly in the eye.


    I stopped running as soon as I reached the table, but there was someone new there, … Twilight?! I looked at her, she had a cute purple sweater on and black glasses. Her hair was tied in a neat bun with thick strands straying to the sides of her face.

    I looked her in the eyes, she was looking back, "... Twilight…?" I whispered, the only person that heard was Pinkie Pie.

    "You know her already? Twilight, why didn't you tell me you knew Sunset?!" Pinkie said with an excited voice. She was smiling wide, waiting for Twilight to respond.

    Twilight looked a little confused, "I don't…? I've never met Sunset before, I don't think I saw her in the halls either…" She stared into the distance, thinking. A soul crushing feeling fell onto my chest.

    She doesn’t remember me?

    Twilight looked back at me, "Sunset, was it? Nice to meet you!" She said, smiling … Oh Twilight… Did that promise mean nothing to you…? 

My grin slowly faded. I turned my gaze to my group of friends, they all noticed. I could feel tears forming in my eyes. I couldn't take it, "Excuse me, I have to… uhhh, return a library book!! Yeah, a library… book…" I started to back away until a voice stopped me.

"You okay, sugarcube? You don't normally miss lunch. For anything." She looked at me with a worried expression, the others, too.

I met Applejack's gaze, "Yeah, I'm fine… I just… don't want a fine from the library, don't wanna waste my money on a debt…!" Rainbow Dash nodded in agreement. Rarity looked skeptical, but they finally let me go.

I quickly jogged to the library, hoping to avoid my problems. You can't hide forever, Sunset. I heard a voice in my head, but shook it off.

I sat down at one of the tables in the library and waited for lunch to be over. Once it was, I slowly dragged myself to my next class, choir. I couldn't wait for the day to end. As I reached the classroom, I saw Toe-Tapper, the choir teacher.

    I sat down in my chair as Mr. Tapper started to speak, "Class, we have a new student joining us today! Please, come in," he said to the girl waiting outside.

    She slowly entered the room. Looking around, she saw me, and smiled, no… Not Twilight… I groaned at my own thoughts, she sat down next to me. Dammit. I cursed in my mind as my head fell onto my desk.

    "Something wrong, Ms. Shimmer?" Mr. Tapper looked at me expectantly, I looked up and rested my head on my hands, "No? Okay then, let us begin, the first thing you need to learn about is vocal warm-ups…" I started spacing off as he blabbered on about the different warm-ups you can do.

    I felt a tap on my shoulder, I turned to see Twilight staring at me. "Yes?" I asked in a monotone voice.

    She looked back at me again, "Nothing, I was just wondering what happened during lunch…" I sighed and looked down at my desk. I was silent for 10 minutes as Twilight just stared at me, questioningly. My saving grace only then came when the rang a few minutes later.

    I quickly got up and rushed out the door. "Sunset, wait!" I heard Twilight trying to call me as I ran out the front doors of the school. I hopped on my motorbike and sped over to my apartment. When I got inside I flopped on the couch and waited for my brother to come home.

    Sure enough, 7 minutes later, the door creaked open, I turned to see Neon walking in, a huge smile on his face. "What's got you so happy, lil' bro?" I had an amused look on my face, thinking it was something dumb.

    His smile widened at the question, "Well… I met this girl…" He blushed and rubbed his arm sheepishly.

    I raised an eyebrow, a mischievous grin growing on my face. "A girl?" 

    He chuckled nervously, "Well… her name is… Watermelody…" His face was now a tomato, "She… She's very poetic and… cute…" He squeaked the last word and ran off to his room. I smirked, oh man, a crush already? They grow up so fast.

    I walked into my room and layed on my bed, I picked up my phone and saw two new notifications.

Roblox- MoonLightHunter63 is online! Come say hello!

A/N: Please note that I made up this username, please don't look it up in case it is someone who does not want to be bothered. Thanku!

Messenger- Silver Stratosphere

I went to my messages and saw that Uncle Silver had texted. I read the message.

2:43    Hey, Sunset…? I have some urgent news… So, we just found out that your Aunt… she has been re-diagnosed with pneumonia… I know this is sudden, we just wanted to keep you informed.

                            ~Silver S.

I stared at the screen, trying to process the information that had just been given. I sighed and went into the kitchen. I opened a jar of dill pickles and sat on a stool by the counter. Great… now I have two problems to deal with… I hope Aunt Dawn won't have to have surgery again… I hope Twilight remembers me…

    I hopped off the stool, with the jar of pickles still in my hand. I took out my phone, and scrolled through my messages until I found Pinkie's name, I hit the call button and waited for her to pick up.

"Hey Sunset!!" She said in her usual cheeful voice.

"Oh, Pinkie, thank goodness you picked up. How do you feel about a sleepover…?"

Word Count: 1,154

A/N: Oh thank god that's over, I'm so sorry, this was supposed to be out yesterday, but due to laziness, it was not, the next one will be out Monday or Tuesday, thanks for understanding!!

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