Chapter One: New School

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    I awoke with a start at the sound of my alarm clock blaring next to my ear. I covered myself with my blankets letting it ring. Truth be told, I didn’t want to go to school. Especially not after all the bullying that had occured back at Crystal Prep.

    I couldn’t believe that Cadance had thought it’d be a good idea transferring schools. She showed me the drastic comparisons of CHS and my old school, the rate of socialization had boomed upwards starting two years ago. According to her, it was more than destined to happen, since I didn’t have to  move or anything. I lived on the border of both of the competitive schools. 

    I groaned, pulling my blankets off, turning over to the alarm and turning it off. I rubbed my eyes and put on my glasses, looking at the time. 


    I had thought the previous nights that I should wake up earlier than I usually do, even though it didn’t take me long to get ready. I sat up and stretched, an uneasy feeling hit my stomach. First days always gave me anxiety.

    I stumbled off my bed, grabbing my clothes I had left on one of the chairs and continued over to the bathroom. There I washed my face, slid on a pair of black leggings and grabbed a long sleeve purple plaid sweater from my drawer.

    Once I was dressed I walked out of the bathroom and sat on my bed, putting my hair up in its usual bun. What if this school is just the same as Crystal Prep? I know I should make friends, but what if they are fake? I don't want history to repeat itself..

    I was brought back to reality when I heard a voice call my name, "Twilight, sweetie! I made you some pancakes!" I sighed and walked down the hallway toward the stairs. Once I reached the bottom, I saw my dad, Night Light, in the kitchen with an 'kiss the chef' apron on.

    I giggled and sat down at the table. "Thanks, Dad. Although… Last time you made pancakes-" I started to say, but he pushed his finger to my lips, cutting me off.

    "Shhh, Honey, we don't talk about that." After he removed his finger, we both burst out laughing. He placed a plate where I was sitting then flopped some golden pancakes onto the plate. "Syrup?" He was already holding the bottle as if expecting me to say yes.

    I took the bottle from him and squeezed the contents onto my pancakes until I was satisfied. "Always, I love syrup." He chuckled and left me to eat my pancakes. 

    Who would've thought that me, a Junior, would already be done with all the SAT's and tests… I guess I'm only taking electives this year… I started thinking about all of the possible electives I could be taking, I already knew I was going to be doing PE/Gym and choir, but what about the others…


    I reached the tall building towering over me, as I started walking inside, I noticed a girl sitting in the front lawn of the school. She had straight light pink hair and wore an awful lot of green. I saw that she was petting a small, white bunny, must be a pet. I thought. 

    When I reached the entrance, someone pushed past me and opened the door before I could get to it. All I could see before he whisked past was his dark blue hair and angered expression. I wonder what's up with him… I timidly dragged myself over to the principal's office, which, to my luck, was very close to the entrance.

    Opening the door, I trudged into the office to see a tall woman with multi-colored hair. Next to her sat another woman, slightly shorter with hair that looked like the night sky. I cleared my throat, interrupting their conversation. "Hello, um… I'm Twilight Sparkle and just transferred here, could I get my schedule…?"

From Dusk Till Dawn [A Sciset Story] *DISCONTINUED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE*Where stories live. Discover now