False/True Love 8: Deep in Thoughts

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AN: Yay it's been a month since I updated this fanfic XDDD. And I'm so glad that I get new ideas for more chapters, I just don't know yet how to write it right, and I don't know when I'll be able to update this, but I'll try my best. Wish me luck mehehehe.

Enjoy reading ^_^

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Nisekoi, its characters and some familiar scenes in anime/manga. I only own the plot of this fanfic.


False/True Love 8: Deep in Thoughts

After Raku and Ondera's friends left them alone together, again, they have no other choice but to accompany each other. And just to confirm about Chitoge's favor with Onodera, Raku asked her if she can tutor him and she agreed, so they decided to go in a fast food restaurant for their review session and for them to have some snacks.

Walking along the way to the fast food restaurant, both Raku and Onodera are in silent while both are having their own thoughts. Onodera's thought is being happy that she is with Raku again, alone. While on the other side, Raku is in a deep thought, and whatever in his thought, there's no way that Onodera can guess it. But one thing is for sure, he's having a serious thinking in his thoughts. And those thoughts made him forget that he is with Onodera.

"Ichijou-kun." Onodera called him behind his back. And the moment he heard her voice, he stop walking and awkwardly laugh when he face Onodera.

"Oh w-we're here." He stated when he realizes that Onodera stop walking and is already standing in front of the fast food restaurant while he is about to passed by the restaurant. Onodera just laugh at him as she watch him started walking towards her then he apologizes before asking her to go inside.

When they are inside the fast food restaurant, Raku offered Onodera that he will take care of ordering their foods, so Onodera told him what she wants while Raku is nodding his head, absorbing what she said before she left him to look for their sits. Onodera found an empty table near the window. When she took a sit, her mind already had a thought: I wonder what Ichijou-kun is thinking?

Meanwhile, Raku is still on the line waiting for his turn to order. And while waiting, his mind drifted again in his deep thoughts. Thoughts full of Chitoge. Moving forward on the line, his thoughts about Chitoge's action, getting weird for him, is moving too.

He doesn't know why, but somehow, he get a feeling that Chitoge is scheming something. He just don't know what it is and for what. But based on what happened last week, and maybe still going on, it seems like she is making a way and excuses for him and for Onodera to be alone together. If what he's thinking is right, why is she doing it? Does she know that he ultimately likes Onodera? Is she helping him? He really don't know if she's doing it on purpose or not, because whenever she makes an excuses, she also always have the proof to prove that it's not just an excuse to let him be with Onodera. And he can also see that nothing change in Chitoge, though he can't shake away the idea that Chitoge is really giving him a time to be with Onodera. It's weird but somehow he doesn't like the thoughts that's been bugging him. And that is irritating me.

He's even having a feeling like Chitoge is distancing herself by doing that. And he doesn't like that idea either, but why? Is it because it's been a week since they've been together, alone? He shouldn't have to feel bother about it. But no, it does bother me because of our family set up. Speaking of those guys, especially that so-overprotective-megane-bodyguard of Chitoge, it's been awhile since I encountered him. Did he stop doubting our suppose-to-be real relationship now? Does he trust me now or what?

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