False/True Love 1: Curiosity

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DISCLAIMER: I do not own Nisekoi, its characters and some familiar scenes in anime/manga. I only own the plot of this fanfic.

I really wonder how will Chitoge react if she found out that Raku and Onodera likes each other. And I wonder if she didn't notice even once how they felt for each other.


False/True Love 1: Curiosity

Just like the same way, where Raku and Chitoge learned to play well, today is one of their "fake dates" by acting as "fake lovers" for their family and for the sake of their country. Today's date is just like their previous dates. Raku holding Chitoge's hand while walking in the street and talking whatever topic comes into their mind to kill some time.

Walking somewhere no one else knows they reach a park. They decided to stop by there to rest for a moment from walking while continuing their conversation that change from time to time.

Sitting on the bench under the cherry blossom, Raku notice that Chitoge doesn't seem in her usual self. It made him feel like something's bothering her since she looks like in a deep thought. He was about to ask her when she abruptly spoke.

"Ne Raku don't you have someone you like?" She blurted out while in a deep thought and before she realized it, it was too late. Though she didn't expect it herself that she would be able to asked that, she manages to act normal like she always does while Raku choked for a moment.

"W-W-Why are you suddenly asking that?" The only question he manages to asked because of nervousness. He also feels terrified by the thought that Chitoge might already know who might he like and what's worst? Thinking she might have already reveal it to that girl makes him feels dying from too much heart beat. It's like someone's banging in it.

"Oh it's nothing! No particular reason. I was just curious because you have been obsessed with your promised girl." Chitoge grinned at him, emphasizing the words "obsessed" and "promised girl" to annoy him before she look away on him.

"You Gorilla." Raku uttered under his breath, 'I take back that she is not in her usual self. She still irritates me of her way of teasing me.' He thought and smirked, "Well how about you? Is there someone?"

"Hmm... actually..." Chitoge turn her head to look back at Raku with a face smiling happily, that makes him curious, before she continued what she wanted to say, "It's..."

'Oh come on! Why does she have to pause this long. She's making me more curious.' Raku thought impatiently.

"SECRET!" Chitoge mockingly ended her answer and even clapping her hand joyfully.

'What the heck's with this gorilla's smile?' Raku thought as she kept her eyes watching Chitoge crazily laughing and smiling at him. And the way Chitoge smiles at him is making him blush. What's more? It also makes him feel self-conscious and nervous being around her just like before when they were on a beach. Is it weird? How come he feels that weird feelings towards her? He can't understand why because it is impossible to feel something to someone else if he already have Onodera in his heart and mind, right?

"Hey stupid beansprout." And with that shout of Chitoge, Raku's deep thought broke.

"W-W-Wait! Y-You have someone you like?" Raku asked out of curiosity and it seems like Chitoge's answer just only sink in now.

If she does have someone she likes, why didn't he notice it at all with how the way she acts? 'Ah I know! It's because she can perfectly act in her usual way.' But the fact that they were always together doesn't give him any clues that there is someone that she is interested with. That makes him even more curious now.

'Stupid beansprout. He can't even notice me even for once.' Chitoge thought, looking at Raku who is back in his deep thought that she broke for the second time.

"Stupid beansprout. Just because I said it's a secret doesn't mean that there is. It's a 50/50 you know! Maybe there's someone or maybe there's no one." Chitoge explained, turning her back on Raku and stand up from sitting to start walking away from him.

"You said it yourself. It's 50/50. There's a chance that there is someone and there is no one." Raku agreed, still thinking while walking beside Chitoge now. "And the way you said that it's a secret feels like there is someone because if there is no one you can just say it out."

Raku is trying to analyze what he heard from Chitoge and keep him in his thought. He's even insisting that there is someone. Though he's not even sure himself, he still tried to know. Assuming that maybe keeping on asking her will make her accidentally blurt out the name of that someone.

"Ne Raku." Chitoge called and face him smiling sarcastically.

"What?" Raku who is still curious doesn't even bother to look at her.

"Do you want me to punch you first before you stop guessing? Huh?" And by the sound of her voice, speaking with gritted teeth, Raku move backward from her and gave her a force smile.

"Okay Chitoge calm down. I won't guess and ask anymore, just don't punch me, okay?" Raku lifted both of his hands as a sign he admit defeat.

'He really is a stupid beansprout! Damn it!' Chitoge thought trying to compose her anger.

"So where do you wanna go?" Raku asked, changing the topic.

"Uhm... actually..."

'What's with her today? Is she trying to act mysterious?' Raku make a poker face while waiting for her answer.

"Can you wait me over there?" Chitoge said pointing somewhere.

"Huh?" He followed where Chitoge's hand is pointing at. It's an ice cream parlor not far from where they're standing.

"But why wait for you? Aren't we coming together now?" Raku asked uncertainty. 'She really is trying to act mysterious huh.'

"W-Well I need to talk with C-Claude somewhere for a bit." She answered with force smile.

"Is that important?" Raku asked.

"A little bit." She responds.

"Well then if that's the case I have no choice but to wait for you. I'll go and wait for you inside the ice cream parlor, 'k? Just don't be too long." Raku instructed her.

"T-Thanks! I'll go ahead." Raku nod his head and Chitoge waved her hands as they parted for half an hour.

Raku getting bored inside the ice cream parlor was about to give Chitoge a phone call when the chime on the entrance door chimed. Raku turn his head to look at the door and felt his heart flutter when he saw the customer who entered the parlor.

"Chitoge..." Raku uttered with full of admiration.

Nisekoi: False vs. True LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora