False/True Love 27: Marika Tachibana

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DISCLAIMER: I do not own Nisekoi, its characters and some familiar scenes in anime/manga. All credits to the manga-ka Naoshi Komi.f6

AN: Oh ma gawd! Here I am again apologizing for the very late update kekeke. Forgive me, 'kay? 'Cause I'm actually the kind of author who is a lazy-bum-sleepy-head tee-hee :P. Anyways, it still schock me that I still have readers waiting for my update. I'm really grateful I have you guys but then again, I'm sorry that I can't give you the update as fast as you want. Just like what I said before, I don't have enough free time to do this. And thus, I asked for your understanding. I thank you with all my heart for keeping on reading and checking this fanfic.

Forgive me for wrong typos and grammar.

Enjoy reading!


Chapter 27: Finally

The class resumed with the remaining teachers, in every afternoon subject, getting really angry with the students because everyone seemed not paying attention at all. Well, what do you expect, right? They were literally not because of being agitated at the thoughts of the two person who didn't manage to finished what they supposed to finish. Despite having a feeling like everyone is busy monitoring every actions of those two, Chitoge and Raku on the other hand were busy sensing each other's presence. Its like they are both waiting for a chance. Though it is true that both of them is waiting, their thoughts is not same at all. While the one is impatiently waiting for a chance to resume what was left earlier, the other party is busy packing things silently and planning of running, yes running again, as fast as she can before anyone leaves the room. Thus, as soon as the teacher said the words "class dismissed" that person who's been planning of running, which is Chitoge, leaved everyone in shocked as she hurriedly stand up from her seat, went off to the door and slammed opened it, then run before even the teacher take a step away from the table.

But as Raku already expected it, he also stand from his seat and run after her. The scene stunned everyone for a moment but got recovered when they heard Raku shout loud and clear, that it echoed through out the whole floor.

"KIRISAKI CHITOGE STOP!" That's what Raku shouted at the top of his lungs. Hearing that shout made everyone turn their way to the door and window to check out what was going to happen next.

Well, Chitoge did stop with that shout of Raku. It gives her goosebumps. She got a little nervous at the thought that he might look really angry right now; where he was standing. Though she may think that way, she didn't budge at all to look back and was about to step forward but got taken aback when he shouted again.

"DON'T YOU DARE TURN YOUR BACK ON ME NOW KIRISAKI CHITOGE, WE ARE NOT DONE TALKING YET," Raku paused for a couple of minutes to take a deep breath as if he was thinking of something whereas Chitoge was being coward again and thinking of continuing to run away from him, as for the moment, because before she can even do so, Raku continued, "OR ELSE I'LL SCREAM RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW THAT I LOVE YOU." He said as if he was threatening her, which he really did in the very moment. And he actually manage to do it because he knew that everyone is already aware of what was going on between them.

That shout made every girls refrained themselves from screaming. It's every girls dream after all; to have a guy who can proudly shout that he loves his woman. They felt envious to Chitoge because one of that guy is standing in front of them and bravely conveying his feelings. And yet, it disappoint them to see that Chitoge wasn't reciprocating what she really wanted to say at all. When someone was about to say what's on everyone's mind, a loud respond from her echoed back to where Raku was standing.

"YOU ALREADY DID, YOU STUPID BEANSPROUT." Chitoge shouted and face him with her scarlet face and her hand gripping the things she's been holding trying to conceal her trembling. Yes, she is trembling, but not because she is scared or what, its actually because she is feeling embarrassed and at the same way felt really happy to feel how sincere he is to her.

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