False/True Love 5: How to Confess

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DISCLAIMER: I do not own Nisekoi, its characters and some familiar scenes in anime/manga. I only own the plot of this fanfic.


False/True Love 5: How to Confess

It is lunch break and Chitoge is eating with Tsugumi, Onodera, and Ruri as usual. While eating their obento they are also talking about anything that comes out of their mind and most of their topics are actually nonsense. Chitoge is the one leading them to keep on talking until they are done eating their obento. And although they are done eating, they continue their conversation.

"Ne minna, I was just wondering how a normal Japanese girl confess her feelings?" Chitoge asked out of curiosity and looking at them with wonders. They are sitting in a circle form facing each other.

"Didn't you know how Chitoge-chan?" Onodera asked her smiling. Chitoge slightly shake her head as answer with her innocent look.

"Haven't you watched any romantic Japanese drama or anime?" Ruri asked in her usual poker face and soft voice then rested her chin in her palm. Chitoge said she already watched some, while Tsugumi are just innocently looking and listening at them.

"Well if you have watched any of those then you already see a scene where a girl confesses her feelings for someone she likes, right? And that's how a normal Japanese girl confesses." Ruri explained even though the sound of her voice is not very interested in their topic.

"But... does it works in reality? I mean... uhm... does real girl confess that way? Well you know, it's just a mere drama and anime, right?" Chitoge put her hands under her chin thinking. For her it's too embarrassing to confess to someone you like. She's also thinking that in a drama, the only reason why every heroin has the guts to confess is because it is certainly sure that the leading man felt the same way. Anyway, it's just a story written by someone who wants a happy ending. And happy ending doesn't happen with everyone in reality.

"Well, yeah you're right. Even I don't know if those scenes happen in reality because I never witness something like that before." Ruri answered giving Onodera a meaningful look as if she was saying that there is someone I know who can't confess in that way anyway.

"Uhm... Chitoge if you don't mind, why are you asking this? Do you have someone you like to confess to?" Onodera asked looking away from Ruri's gaze, with a thought running in her mind. She can't stop thinking that maybe, hoping that just maybe, Chitoge doesn't learn to love Raku.

"Huh? No! No! I was just curious." Chitoge lift her hands swaying it left and right in front of Onodera while forcefully smiling.

Chitoge getting uneasy and having a light blush just by the thought of confessing made her lost and doesn't know what to say anymore. Seeing Chitoge in that condition, Tsugumi open a new topic for Onodera and Ruri to prevent any suspicion of why Chitoge have to ask something about that. No matter how Chitoge try to hide her feelings, Tsugumi knows that something is running in her mind again and she's not very glad what's going on her mind for the past few days. No matter how happy she looks like in front of everyone, Tsugumi knows that deep inside there is pain in her heart. She just knew it even without Chitoge telling it direcly.

Even though Onodera continue talking with Tsugumi, she can't stop herself checking on Chitoge being silent. While on the other hand, when Onodera heard that Chitoge was just curious it lessen the weight in her heart for a moment, because the moment she saw Chitoge acted strange, the throb of her heart race. Maybe there is really someone that Chitoge like. But who is that someone? No matter whoever she guess is, there is only one person she can think of. And just like Onodera, Ruri have the same thought running in her mind.

How can't they think about it? It is possible in every way since they have been a fake couple for whole two years and it will still continue until graduation. They are both good person and they know that they have good qualities and it's not impossible for any of them to fall in love within those years of faking the relationship. There's just no way but they want to believe that there is.

"What about the guys? How do they confess?" Tsugumi can't believe that Chitoge is still continuing this nonsense topic. She wanted to stop her but seeing her acting like she already recovered from how she acts earlier defeats her. She doesn't wanna get in whatever way she's taking.

"This is how they confess," Shu appear out of nowhere in front of Ruri and continue, "I will just say it once, so listen carefully, because I will never say it twice. I love you!"

Shu remained looking at Ruri while she is giving him an aloof respond to what he did before she punch him right into his face that make Shu thrown in the table at his back. Tsugumi smirk at him saying that it serves him right for butting in on their conversation like that.

"Do you see that Chitoge? That's how they confess. That's the feeling. And that's how they show it." Onodera laughed lightly because she saw that Ruri get a little blush on what happen.

"Oh? That's how? Hmm... can you show it to me once again? Raku and Kosaki-chan?" Chitoge grinned at Raku and choked the moment she said his name and Onodera's name.

"C-Chitoge-chan?" Onodera squealed in surprise, blushing hardly.

"Huh? Why would I? Tss. You're being nonsense." Raku glance a look at Onodera before he look away scratching his right cheek.

"Come on. I just wanted to see it once again because I didn't see Maiko's facial expression earlier." Chitoge pouted but Raku keep on refusing and Onodera keep on agreeing with what Raku's saying.

But Chitoge keep on insisting them to do it. Shu and Ruri even joined force with Chitoge to comply what she wanted. Shu joined because it will be interesting to see how will his best friend confess to his long time crush. Although he feels interested, he can't think any reason why Chitoge is doing it. Is it only because she really just wanted to see it once? Or is there another reason? Chitoge is being unpredictable. He can't seem to understand her anymore. On the other hand, Ruri joined force because of thinking that it can maybe pull the guts out of Onodera to confess as well. But same as Shu, Ruri is thinking what Chitoge's reason about this is. Is she scheming something?

AN: Kyaaaa thank you so much for those who are reading this fanfic. Waaaaaaa~ sorry for not updating. I'm actually having a hard time writing this fanfic since this is the first time I write anime fanfic. Forgive me minna nyahaha (^_^)V

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