Still Friends

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"I see..." Izuku was still slightly embarrassed, but seeing her laugh made him smile. He then looked behind her, noticing Vulture was not with her.

"Hey, where's Vulture?" He asked.

"Still at the temple." Uraraka answered. "There was a gift shop there, so he went to check it out. I said I could wait for him, but he insisted I should meet up with you since he may take a while."

"Of course, he did." Izuku knew exactly what Vulture had planned – he wanted him to talk to Uraraka. It was clear his friend saw through his white lie since he raised an eyebrow at him but he left before he had the chance to question it.

"I see. So... should we wait for him here?" Izuku suggested.

"Yeah, I guess so." Uraraka replied. Izuku was about to look up again, when he saw her going into the small bag, pulling out a box of mochi. She picked up one, taking a large bite of it before grabbing another one and stretching her hand out towards him.

"Want one?" She asked with her mouth full. He couldn't help but chuckle at her muffled voice as he took the mochi from her, taking a more sizable bite. The two then entered into a comfortable silence, to his surprise, as he ate his mochi. At the corner of his eyes, he saw Uraraka looking onto the path in front, smiling and waving to a couple of people who recognised her.

It was such a warm smile that it could rival the warmth of the sun. But seeing her smile only brought about a wave of guilt in him, thinking about their last night. He didn't like this. He knew he had to do something. Try to fix this between them, and this was his chance. He began opening his mouth to speak.

"You know..." He closed his mouth shut, not wanting to interrupt Uraraka as she spoke first.

"Umm... yeah?"

Uraraka pointed towards the temple. "There's a bridge on the other side of the temple. It looked like it had a nice view. Do you want to check it out?"

"Umm... y-yeah, OK." She smiled at him, gesturing with her head to follow, to which he did, slightly cursing at himself for being too slow.

"Oh, I should tell Vulture where we're heading." He suggested. Uraraka agreed as he took out his phone, entering into the message application.

'We're heading to the bridge on the other side of the temple. Meet us there when you are done.'

He sent the message before putting his phone away and keeping up with Uraraka. The two walked inside the temple, walking past civilians. Occasionally, the passers would wave towards the pro heroes, but other than that, the two walked through the temple without much interruptions.

"Oh, wow!" Uraraka's eyes grew with wonder as they reached the other side, picking up her pace towards the bridge. Izuku also had a look of amazement, as they looked across the bridge. The sky was now a darker orange, which allowed the calm river below to glisten with the sun. The buildings on the other side stretched across the horizon, with its window lights adding to the reflecting river.

Uraraka stared wondrously at the view, leaning against the railings and resting her arms on it, while Izuku placed his hands on the railings, leaning into it as well as he watched the reflections of the light shift along with the movement of the water.

"It's so beautiful!" Uraraka exclaimed, her breath taking by the view.

"Yeah, it is." Izuku answered. He dared to turn his head, facing Uraraka. Her eyes were locked at the view in front, shining with the setting sun. The light breeze in the area caused her hair to blow along with it, revealing her smile. He felt his cheek warming up, causing him to turn back around before he ended up in a stuttering state.

A Second Chance (IzuOcha Future Story)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang