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In my memory, it doesn't end. We just stay there, looking at each other, forever.
—John Green / Paper Towns


August 28, 2021

The Office of The Marshal of the Realm is delighted to announce that HRH Princess Sibylla gave birth to a healthy child at 11:24 a.m. on August 28 at Danderyd Hospital. Both mother and child are in good health.


Message of congratulations from The King and Queen to The Princess Couple
We are extremely happy for Princess Sibylla and Prince Adonis and are delighted to have become grandparents again. We hope the new parents enjoy a time of peace and quiet together with their son.

Message of congratulations from The Crown Princess Couple
We hope Sibylla and Adonis enjoy these wonderful first few days with their new-born son, and we share the new parents' joy.

Prince Carl Philip and Princess Sofia
We are thrilled to have another new nephew in our family. We are so happy for Sibylla and Adonis. We cannot wait to spoil him and watch him grow up. All our love to the family.

Princess Madeleine and Mr Christopher O'Neill
We are delighted to welcome a new member of the family, and we congratulate Sibylla and Adonis on becoming parents.


December 6, 2021

Princess Sibylla and Prince Adonis of Sweden announce baby son's name!

The Swedish royal family attended a Te Deum thanksgiving service

Princess Sibylla and Prince Adonis of Sweden have revealed the name of their baby boy.

An announcement from the Swedish Royal Court has confirmed that the prince is called Étienne Bertil Wilhelm and will be styled as the Duke of Halland. In keeping with royal tradition, Sibylla's father King Carl XVI Gustaf announced his new grandson's name and title at a cabinet meeting on Monday morning.

A Te Deum thanksgiving service at the royal chapel, attended by members of the royal family, followed.


February 17, 2022

Prince Adonis cuddles son as he steps out with Princess Sibylla of Sweden

Princess Sibylla and Princess Adonis visited a friend in Los Angeles on Thursday, and was seen sweetly carrying their baby son

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

Princess Sibylla and Princess Adonis visited a friend in Los Angeles on Thursday, and was seen sweetly carrying their baby son.

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