chapter 6

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...Kellie's POV...


I looked out the window and saw it was a beautiful day out. Marley who was sitting next to me playing with the twins said I could spend some time with the older three today and she could get more time with our  littlest ones.

"Be back before. 10 pm. Alrighty little missy." Marley said

"Wow someones getting thier mom on." I laughed "Okay. Bye Mars Bars." She waved and I walked down the drive way to the mini van with the kids. I buckled them in and climbed up front starting the car.

"Where do you want to go little flowers?" I asked pulling out of the driveway.

"ICE CREAM! They screamed

"Great minds think alike." I laughed and drove to the nearest ice cream shop. I barely had enough time to open the car door before the three of them were inside.

"How may I help you?" A cheery young girl asked when I walked in.

"Can I have a mint chocolate chip scoop, birthday cake scoop, strawberry scoop, and chocolate chip cookie dough cup?" She nodded and set off on my order. She finsihed surprisingly quick and I gave her the money.

"Thank you Mrs. Styles. Your children have gotten so adorable." She smiled

"Thank you. If you want I'll ask Harry to follow you." She smiled bigger if possible and said her thanks while I sat down at the table with my kids.

"Louis don't even think about it!" I said as he started to look from his ice cream to Aaron.

"Think about what?" He gave me his dimpled smirk. This boy will never be able to get punished by me.

"Nevermind." I sighed with a smile while rolling my eyes.


"Mommy watch me swing!" Aaron screamed.

"I'm watching baby." I laughed while she stuck her tongue out of the side of her mouth to help her concentrate. She got that from me.

My phone started to go off with the ringtone 'Everybody Talks' which is for unknown numbers.

"Hello Kellie speaking." Maybe it was Harry calling from a payphone or something

"I know who it is!" A man growled. Whoa dude cool it.

"Who is this?" I asked

"Your worst nightmare. So where are your kids Kellie?" I looked up to no longer see Aaron on the swings, or Louis in the sandbox, or Darcy going down the slide.

"Did you take them?" I cried

"Yes." He laughed "Oh by the way. Stay still." I looked at the phone confused when suddenly a cloth was placed over my mouth and nose.

The last thought I had before getting eaten by darkness was:

'I have to protect them.'

...Harry's POV...

I was sitting and laughing with the boys while watching the news.

'Breaking News! Yesterday afternoon Marley Malik came to the London police department stating that her best friend Kellie Styles had been kidnapped!' No. It can't be! I just talked to her yesterday morning!

'Marley told us that Kellie left the house to spend the day with Louis Styles, Aaron Styles, and Darcy Styles. Kellie promised to be back at 10, but never showed up and niether did the children. An amber alert has been issued all over the world for the four missing family members of Harry Styles. If you have information please contact 1-800-STYLES.' I was frozen in place. Kellie, Aaron, Louis, and little Darcy are all missing?

"Marley?" Zayn said into his phone. He turned it on speaker so we could hear.

"She promised to come back at 10! She doesn't break promises!" Marley sobbed into the phone.

"Do you know where she went?" Niall asked

"She texted me saying she was at the ice cream shop down the street and then called me when they got to the park near there." She said

"Okay babe. Don't worry we'll be home soon. Love you." Zayn said taking it off speaker

"Harry?" Louis questioned sitting next to me. "Harold!?" He snapped in front of my face.

"Their missing Lou." I whimpered

"We'll find them. Right now we have to get back to England and help with the search." I nodded and stood up.

...Kellie's POV...

"Mommy!?!" I heard my babies call. I sat up and opened my eyes to see matching darkness.

"Mommy's here. Come to my voice." I said calmy and heard shuffling across the cement floor. If this isn't deja vu I don't know what is!

"Mommy where are we?" Louis cried in a small voice while him and his sisters cuddled up to me.

"I don't know baby. I don't know." With the thought of those words realization struck me.

We had been kidnapped. We were in a dark room somewhere on the face of this planet. No one knows where we are. I need to do everything in my power to get my kids out of here.

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