Chapter 4

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...Harry's POV...

I turned away from Kellie and went to grab myself a doughnut. I heard a chair tip over and a thud and spun around to see Kellie passed out of the floor while Stacy and Jordan burst into tears.

"KELLIE!" I yelled dropping down beside her

"MOMMY!" Louis, Aaron, and Darcy cried. Louis and Aaron climbed out of their chairs and sat next to Kellie while Darcy climbed onto the table.

"Kellie sweetheart wake up." I said patting her cheek. A lightbulb went off in my head. If it works in the movies maybe it'll work now.

I ran to the cuboard and grabbed a glass filling it with ice cold water and ran back to her. The kids backed away as did I before dumping the glass on her face. She shot up right away.

"COLD!" She yelled wiping off her face.

...Kellie's POV...

A second after I woke up I was wrapped in Harry's tight envoloping hug.

"I thought you passed out from the cancer again." He said quietly to me while I hugged him back.

"It's gone Harry. I promise that it's gone. I just saw something that scared me." I reasurred looking into his emerald eyes. He placed a feather kiss on my forehead then sat me in the chair. Our three oldest gave me a hug just like Harry's. The twins calmed down as soon as I reappeared too.

I looked out the window and he was gone. Wait there's no way he could be there. That day I saw the bullet enter and exit his head. I actually got hit with some of his blood.(NASTY!)

"Louis and the boys wanted to take the kids out today love. Is that okay?" Harry asked sitting next to me and holding my hand.

"Sure. As long as no paps or fans get ahold of them." I looked at our kids that had pieces of us in every part of them.

"Don't worry. I think their taking some guards."

"Okay." I smiled and we all continued eating.


...Harry's POV...

The guys left about an hour ago with the kids and said that they might stay at one of the their houses if it gets too late. Kellie and I had decided to just relax with a day in. Plus I didn't want to risk us going out into public with that guy out there.

"What do you want to watch now love?" I asked uncovering my face as the first Halloween movie finally ended. 11 years and she is still in love with this stuff.

"Um. TITANIC!" She grinned

"We can watch it, but you can't keep calling Leonardo Dicaprio a 'Sexy blonde haired green eyed god from heaven'." I quoted her from the last time we watched.

"I'm sorry, but it's true. I may be married but I'm entitled to a few celebrity crushes! Like Matthew Grey Gubler, Channing Tatum, Leonardo, EVAN PETERS, Alexander Skarsgaurd, and um I don't remeber his name, but the guy who plays Delco on CSI Miami." I laughed as she listed them off on her fingers.

"Why have a celebrity crush if your married to a celebrity?"

"Because singers and actors are way different. They use their faces. You use your voice, but you and the guys were lucky enough to be smexy british-irish bosses." I burst out laughing at that one.

"Smexy british bosses?"

"That's why I wanted to be british because it sounds cool right?"

"I have to admit it does." She grinned probably feeling like she accomplished some great thing while I popped in the movie. I walked back over to our brown leather couch and sat in my original spot.

Five minutes into the movie Kellie laid her head in my lap. On instinct I started playing with my favorite lock of her dark chocolate hair. After a few comments about how cute she thinks 'Jack' is it got to the sinking part. This is where she gets very opinionated. It doesn't bother me when she talks during a movie because i love her voice, and usually what she says is something hilarious.

"NO DON'T JUMP COOK DUDE! Your dead now cause you didn't listen to me." She said seriously while I tried not to laugh. A little later was the sad part in the movie. It almost always gets me to tear up or cry. Kellie hates when people aren't all happy and cheerful. So she uses her 'quirky charms' to make them smile.

"My friend told me a secret in eighth grade" she said looking up into my eyes.

"What was it love?"

"Titantic was filmed in a pool. Like a pool that you would get put in a backyard, and she looked up the exact measurements of the door thingy. Her friend and her went out and found a board that size and they learned that you could actually fit three people on there." I smiled because her little secret had taken over the sad part of the movie.

"Did you tell me that just so I wouldn't watch the sad scene?" She smiled innocently

"I have not a clue what you're talking about." I smiled and leaned down kissing her nose.

"I love you." I whispered while laying down next to her.

"I love you too hubby." She cuddled up to me and was out like a light.

Making it Through (Sequel to OLT and FFY)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora