Chapter VIII. A cold touch

Start from the beginning

I see a small smile of her own blooming on her pink lips as she replies:

- It's okay, who could blame you? In fact, it's mostly my fault; I shouldn't have driven with so much speed. We were both lucky I managed to stop the car on time.

I nod in agreement. I never thought it was her though... Anyways, it doesn't matter anymore, does it?

- That was close. You should be more careful from now on, I shyly adviced and she briefly nodded her head in agreement.

She looked down and then quickly uttered:

- Oh, look, you dropped your things, she said. Let me help you.

'What a good way to change the subject, I guess...'

I looked down only for my eyes to be met with my bags fallen on the concrete, a few of the contents scattered around them and Clarissa already picking up the items, one by one, and carefully placing them back inside my plastic bag.

- Clarissa... You don't have to do this. I can pick them up myself, I spoke with further embarrassment, as at the same time, I launched myself down and quickly began gathering my things inside of the bag, with her.

In spite of what I said, Clarissa continued picking up my stuff and putting it in order - even dusting every item off before actually putting it inside of the bag with care and gentleness. I was just brutally shoving them in, not caring if I might break something.

And as both of us were scavenging my belongings from the asphalted ground, I felt something smooth and cold under my touch.

Seconds later I realise it was her hand I was touching. As if I pushed a button or something, I feel my heartbeat beginning to increase its speed again, this time to the point it was threatening to crack one of my blood vessels or something.

But, in spite of this, I don't pull my hand away - neither does her - but I let it rest on her pale and cold hand a little bit more. 

It wasn't this cold tonight; the reminiscing warmth of the sun, that had set a few hours ago, could still be felt into the air. It was a bit cold, once the night casted though. But still...
Her skin felt just too cold. Ice cold.
Like a steel blade.

Then I felt a long shiver running down my spine. I didn't think anything of it. I just presumed both of us were cold. And by 'both' I mean I was more concerned about her. I made her sit here with me for maybe more than an hour without considering the freezing air outside. 
I had to do something... But I had little to no choices. 

I put the last remaining things in my bags and I got up completely. I gave her a serious look:

- You're freezing, I told her. Let's get inside the car, I suggest as I make a gesture towards the vehicle. 

She nodded and got up herself. Then I watched her fumbling with the pockets of her jacket again until she reveals something. Although I couldn't see it quite clearly, I knew it was a key. 

She pressed a button on it and the next seconds - or less than that - I hear a clicking noise. 

I watch her as she opens the door and seats herself in the drivers seat, already buckling her belt.

Then she looks my way again and raises a brow. 

- What are you waiting for? Come on, get inside, Clarissa cheered on.

I have to admit. By that point I completely forgot all about the almost accident we have been involved in.

I am ready to open the door next to the passenger seat, but then I remember that I still had my shopping bags in my hands.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2020 ⏰

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