Chapter 1

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Leon was a child in his family. He was the youngest, and he got everything last. He was extremely curious about the art of magic, but his family declared it off limits. This is why...

8 years ago

A child was born. His name was Leon. As soon as he was born, the spirit of Cimandis appeared. The family all fell back, scared of the ghost.

"Wh-h-o are you?" His father demanded.

"I am the spirit of Cimandis."

"pfffff. Those are just legends. This is just a big show."

Cimandis sighed. "Then why is Leon glowing and burning to the touch?"

He was right. The baby is glowing and when someone touched him, they threw their hands back and screamed from the heat.

"So you are Cimandis"

"Yes. And I sense something big will happen soon to him. So I blessed him with my powers. He will be extremely skilled in the art of magic like me. He will also only use it for the greater good. He will not fall into darkness."

8 years later

Leon was trying to find everything he could with magic. The only thing he managed to get about magic are those lame magicians that use card tricks.

After a few days of begging his parents for a book about magic, they finally caved. They got him a book, and he thanked them greatly. He tried a few spells, and they all did what they were supposed to do. Leon was surprised, as most spells beginners cast do not do anything, or they did the exact opposite of what they're supposed to do. He showed his parents, and they congratulated him.

His dad's POV

"Hey Katie(leons mom), can I talk to you for a sec?" I asked.

"Sure thing, John."

We went to our room, and I asked her,"Do you think we should let him keep learning, or continue keeping him from the magic? I think if he keeps learning he can help protect us and the whole nation."

"I mean, are you absolutely 100% sure he won't fall to the darkness?"

"Well, if Cimandis lied, then our son would be leaning to the dark already."

"So we let him keep learning?"

"Ok sure."

welp back to leons pov

My parents got me into the School of Magic for Youngsters. I was so excited. They told me I aced the entry test and I would be put into the top class! I'm so excited!

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