You give up a few things protecting the one you love

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Zach's POV:

Myself and Oliver had been dating for a month and a half and we couldn't be more in love with each-other, our physical intimacy had only extended so far as hugging, holding hands, cuddling, and kissing we'd never taken it any further. I thought it was always because of the fact that my wounds had taken slightly longer to heal so anything more was just too painful, but I was about to find out something that I knew would just strengthen our relationship. 

I'd just got back to the Pent-house after a busy day working with Owen at the Raptor enclosure and then I got to see a baby T-Rex being born it was so cute if only they'd stay that size forever, as I walked into my room my phone buzzed I took it out of my pocket and saw I had a message from Oliver asking if I would like to see him tonight. I immediately replied saying 'Yes I would love to see you tonight' so we arranged to meet at 6:30 which meant I had some time to kill so I decided to spend some time with Gray, I walked down to his room and walked in he was sat at his desk making a skeleton model of a raptor I walked over to him and said 'Hey do you want some help Gray'. 

I expected him to say yes but to my surprise he turned around and said 'No I'm more than capable of doing it myself' I looked slightly shocked I took a deep breath and said 'What's the matter Gray', Gray pushed the model off the table and said 'You said you'd help me with this last week but you didn't so I tried to do it myself and it went wrong' . I stepped forward intending on giving Gray a hug but he brushed me off I looked down at the floor and said 'Look Gray I'm really sorry, please just let me make it up to you', Gray jumped onto his bed and curled up on his right side I was about to say something when Gray said 'Just get lost'. 

I left Gray's room and walked back into my room to get ready for my date with Oliver once I was ready I grabbed my phone and left the pent-house and made my way down to the lobby to meet Oliver, on the way down Gray's words just continuously went round and round in my head making tears well in my eyes and flow down my cheeks. As I stepped out of the lift I saw Oliver sat on the edge of the fountain I walked over and he stood up and said 'Hey are you alright, you've been crying what's happened', I looked down at the tiled floor and said 'I had an argument with my brother, sorry I hate crying in front of people'. 

Oliver's POV:

I pulled Zach into a warm hug and said 'Don't be sorry it's fine, come with me there's something I want to ask you' I held my right hand out which Zach took and we took the jeep up to the Weeping willow tree where we'd had our first date, we got out of the jeep and stood on the hill I turned to Zach and said 'Look over there'. Zach looked over at where I was looking I smiled and said 'What does that sign say' Zach took a deep breath and said 'It says will you be my boyfriend' I took both of Zach's hands in mine and said 'Will you' Zach nodded and said 'Yes of-course I will'. 

I gently pulled Zach into a warm passionate kiss my hands moving around his waist I looked into Zach's eyes and said 'There's something I want to show you, I just hope you won't be put off by it' Zach nodded and said 'I love you, nothing will change that I promise', I rolled my t-shirt up revealing the horrendous burn scar on my right side. 

I rolled my top back down and sat down on the grass Zach sat down beside me and said 'So uh how did that happen anyway' I felt tears in my eyes as I said 'You give up a few things protecting the ones you love, when I was 18 I joined the army with my brother after months of training we were both deployed to Afghanistan. On our second day out there we were out on patrol with our troop when we came under fire, a shell landed near us I put myself in front of Alex to protect him the force of the blast pushed us both back I woke up in hospital 3 weeks later only to find that my brother had died'. 

Zach's POV:

Listening to Oliver's story about how he got the burn scar on his right side broke my heart I felt emotional as I said 'Oh Oliver I'm so sorry' Oliver leaned into my left side and said 'This is part of the reason why I've always stopped taking our relationship to the next level intimately, I guess I was worried you'd change your mind about how you felt about me that you'd think I was ugly', I placed one hand on Oliver's left cheek and the over hand on his heart and said 'You are the most handsomest man I've ever met, and I love you with all my heart and soul'. 

Oliver kissed me passionately on the lips and said 'How about we take our relationship to the next level tonight' I smiled and said 'That sounds amazing', Oliver took my left hand and said 'If you ever feel uncomfortable doing something then tell me, I promise I'll never force you to have sex'. I smiled and said 'I know you'd never hurt me, there's something I should tell you' Oliver nodded and said 'You know you can tell me anything' Zach took a deep breath and said 'Um I've never had sex before' Oliver took me in his arms and said 'Then let me make your first time tonight a magical one'. 

Myself and Oliver went back to his apartment we walked into the bedroom I turned around and looked into his eyes full of love and lust, we closed the space between us and captured each-other's lips in a passionate kiss whilst stripping each-others clothes off. Eventually we fell onto the bed Oliver kissed every inch of my body he looked up at me and said 'Are you ready' I nodded and Oliver got off me and retrieved a silver packet from his bedside table seconds passed and I felt him thrust into me. 

After a couple more seconds he picked up the pace and we both came at the same time, Oliver rolled off me and said 'How did you find that, I didn't hurt you did I' I smiled and said 'It was amazing, and no you didn't hurt me'. Oliver kissed me on the forehead and said 'Come with me I think we could both do with a nice hot shower' I followed Oliver into the bathroom we both stepped into the shower and he turned it on, to begin with it was cold but it soon heated up to a warm heavenly temperature Oliver knelt down and kissed and nipped my stomach leaving love bites in various places.

 Oliver kissed me on the forehead and said 'Come with me I think we could both do with a nice hot shower' I followed Oliver into the bathroom we both stepped into the shower and he turned it on, to begin with it was cold but it soon heated up to a...

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Never in my whole life had I been happier than I was now, but lingering still in the back of my mind was the argument I'd had with Gray somehow I needed to make it up to him.  

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