Easy Blue

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Zach's POV:

I stayed hidden under the desk and listened to the two men they were talking about more Genetically modified Hybrid Dinosaurs that they were going to create I took out my phone so I could record what they were saying, as I took my phone out it started to ring I quickly pressed the end call button in a desperate attempt to not give away my presence. However it wasn't enough as a hand reached under the desk and pulled me out and threw me up against the wall one of the men pinned me to the wall and said 'Did you hear every word we said boy' I nodded and said 'Yes but I won't tell anyone I promise'.

The other guy said 'Hoskins we should kill him he's seen and heard to much' panic started to well up in side of me and then I felt a solid fist to my face and I fell to the floor before blacking out. 

Owen's POV:

In order to keep the Raptors safe I'd taken them from the enclosure and kept them at my cabin near the lake, they'd been waiting for us when we returned with Gray and whilst myself and Claire took care of him the Raptors kept watch outside. As the night went on Claire was growing more concerned about her other Nephew Zach I was about to ask her if she wanted me to go and look for him when I heard Blue making noises outside, I ran outside and saw Blue stood on the perimeter of the woods looking towards the park I walked over and said 'Blue what's wrong'. 

In a flash Blue took off into towards the park I ran back over to the cabin Claire came out and said 'What's happened where's Blue gone' I grabbed my gun holsters and said 'She's gone off towards the park I'm going to go after her, I'll bring Zach back as-well I promise', Claire took my left hand and said 'Please just be-careful'. I quickly kissed Claire on the lips and said 'I'll be back as soon as I can'. 

I jumped on my motorbike and raced off after Blue I caught up to her near the entrance to the park, I followed her further towards the visitor's centre and inside towards where the labs were, as we walked down the corridor Blue let out a warning sound I gently placed my right hand on the top of her head and said 'Easy Blue it's alright'. 

Zach's POV:

I came round with a tremendous pain in my head I sat up and tried to move my arms but quickly realised they were tied in front of me, Hoskins and the other guy were packing up stuff from the lab I looked at one of the computers and said 'That's not a real Dinosaur' Hoskins walked over and said 'Your right kid it's not, picture that one bigger than the T-Rex and the Indominus Rex combined'. My anger welled up inside of me and I shouted 'That creature out there injured my brother and I swear if he doesn't make it I will' Hoskins grabbed me by my hair and said 'You'll what boy, you'll kill me. Don't make me laugh your a freak, has anyone ever told you that people like you don't belong anywhere'. 

Those words went round and round in my head, I had heard them before from Scott. I was Gay but I didn't think there was anything wrong with that, from the corridor I heard the sound of footsteps and the sound of a Raptor chattering. A sharp kick to my already bruised ribs pulled me out of my thoughts I gave up trying to be brave and I cried out in pain and then I heard a whistle from the corridor and before I closed my eyes I saw a Raptor charge into the room and then all I heard was screaming. 

I could feel something nudging my abdomen whatever it was, was quite hard I slowly opened my eyes and saw a Raptor with beautiful blue markings all over her. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't scared I held my hands up in front of my face and said 'Please don't hurt me' to my surprise it didn't attack me it made comforting noises at me and rubbed her rock hard head against mine as if to say 'It's alright I won't hurt you'. 

Owen's POV:

I waited for Blue to give me the signal to say it was safe to enter the room I slowly walked in and she was stood by Zach I smiled and said 'Good girl Blue, you knew Zach was in trouble didn't you' Blue nodded her head I threw her a treat and slowly approached Zach so I could cut away the rope that bound his hands. Blue let out a warning sound at me I turned to her and said 'It's ok Blue I just need to check if he's injured' Blue stood near Zach and rubbed her head against his when he hissed in pain as I lifted his t-shirt up to reveal the ugly purple and yellowish blotchy bruises and cuts criss- crossing down his back  which looked like they'd been made with the buckle of a belt. 

I carefully picked Zach up and said 'Blue come' I hurried out to my motorbike and climbed on still holding onto Zach as I drove one handed back to my cabin just hoping that Claire, Gray and the other Raptors were ok. Once I arrived back at the cabin I hurried inside carrying Zach Claire turned around and said 'Omg Zach what happened to him is he alright' I carefully placed Zach down on the other bed and said 'Hoskins caught him in the labs' Claire looked up and said 'What was he doing in the labs'. 

I shrugged my shoulders and said 'I don't know, we can ask him later. But right now we need to tend to these injuries' I grabbed my first aid kit from one of the cupboards before walking back over to where Zach was Lying, Claire came over with a bowl of warm water and said 'What can I do to help'. I smiled and said 'If you go round that side, we need to roll him onto his side so I can clean the cuts on his back. We'll have to stand him up to sort out his ribs'. 

Gray's POV:

I came downstairs and saw Aunt Claire and her friend Owen sorting out some injuries on my brother I knew where the cuts on his back and the bruises around his abdomen had come from, and I didn't know whether to tell Aunt Claire and Owen. I walked over and said 'Is he going to be alright, Aunt Claire' Aunt Claire nodded and said 'He's going to be fine sweetheart, do you know where he got these injuries from', I was so scared to tell them that I ran out of the cabin and towards the woods behind me I could hear Aunt Claire calling my name as she ran after me. 

My side was still healing and running only made it hurt more so I stopped, Aunt Claire caught up to me and said 'Gray everything's going to be ok just tell me what's wrong'. I looked down at the wet muddy ground and said 'I know where Zach got most of those injuries from, but I'm scared that If I tell you then he'll shout at me', Aunt Claire pulled me into a hug and said 'I'm sure Zach won't shout at you for telling us something that could protect him'. 

I picked up a rock and threw it into the lake before saying 'I'm not scared of Zach shouting at me, I'm scared of Scott shouting at me he's the one who's been hurting Zach. All because he's Gay'.

 All because he's Gay'

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

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