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Embers pov

Devan turned the key to shut off the car.

"Prick yo your ears in the Kathrine who lost her head" I sang the lyrics to Ex-wives in the musical Six

Devan pulled my aux cord

"Hey! That was my musical!"

"We're here,"

"Never turn off my musicals," I gave a stern look which resulted in him laughing

I plugged it back in and let it play

I missed a few lyrics but it was alright

"Lock yo your husbands, lock up your sons, K Howard is here and the funs begun,"

"Ember Let's go

"Ugh Fine," I groaned before pausing my music

We got out of the car and we walked inside. Everything was white from the table cloths to the balloons. There were many things that were pink and blue mixed and it was really nice.

"Theres my favorite couple," Collins strutted up to us

"Wow I can't believe you did all of this," I said baffled by everything "it's amazing,"

"Thank you," he smiled

"Oh don't take all the credit for yourself you loser," a girl walked out from behind a door "and did you just call them your favorite couple?"

"Yeah because it's my brother and his wife," he said to her

She had her black hair that went to her shoulders. She was very pretty. She wore a white hoodie along with white jeans.

"Oh whatever," she laughed

"It's true! They've got the rings to prove it." He looked at us for a moment the. Whispered loudly "they fight like an old couple too,"

"Hey!" Devan and I called out at the same time

We all laughed

"You must be Ember," the girl smiled at me "I'm Tasha, I've heard such great things about you,"

"I'm afraid I can't same the same," I said a little sadly "how do you know Collins?"

"Oh me and Collins go way back. Since like what? 6th grade?"

"Yeah," he laughed

"Oh my god Tasha I didn't recognize you!" Devan exclaimed "goodness your hair. It used It used to be so long."

"Yeah I got bored so I cut I off and donated it,"

"Aww how sweet," I said

"Man I didn't expect you to get this tall," Devan joked

"And I didn't expect you to get married so young," she joked back "Let's sit down and catch up,"

We all agreed and sat down at the closet table.

"So where did you disappear to after sophomore year?" Devan asked

"Oh, I went with my parents to Africa to help out with people in need. I flew back here a few months ago."

"Wow that's amazing," Devan said

"It really is," Collins said

I nodded in agreement.

"Well the purple should be arriving here in a few minutes so let's get ready," Collins said standing up.

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