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Embers pov

"Good morning sunshine," Devan rolled over and kissed me

"Good morning," I replied back

"Come on get up and take a shower so I can because I know if I let you sleep any longer we'll be late for our own party." Devan shook me a little

I rolled my eyes and got up. I went to the bathroom and turned on the shower. I stripped my clothes before stepping in. The slightly cold water hit my back and it was really refreshing.

As I was putting shampoo in my hair some slipped into my eye. Of course it did.

"Ow!" I yelled as it stung

"Em? You alright?" Devan asked knocking on the door

"yep I'm good!" I called back

I washed it out of my eye and finished my shower. I stepped out and dried myself off with a towel. I made sure to grab my lotion because my skin has never been so dry in my life.

I threw my hair into a messy bun real quick so I could get out of the bathroom before deva yelled at me. I've already been in here for like... 45 minutes.

"Ember hurry up," Devan knocked as if it were in cue

"I'm finishing up!" I called back turning off my music

I grabbed my stuff and walked out.

I was only in my bra and spandex shorts because I don't like to wear dresses without shorts.

Devan went into the bathroom as I came out. I turned on my music again as I blow dries my hair and then curled it.

I slipped on my light long white dress. I was excited since it was February. That means I've been pregnant for about three months. I was showing a bit too.

Devan got out of the shower and we left for the party that Collins had set up for us

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