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Two weeks later—

It's been two weeks since Devan seen me throw up and we were going over to his parents today for a family dinner. I'm planning on asking his mother what it means if I've been throwing up. I've also been late on my period, I was in the bathroom and brushing my hair. I grabbed the ends and curled them and tied them back with a rubber band. I didn't bother with makeup because they are family now.

I walked back into my bedroom and started changing, I threw on a pair of boyfriend jeans and one of Devan's big hoodies. Devan walked in and kissed my neck softly. "Babe we're going to my parents do you wanna change into a shirt?"

"Not really." I say, "I mean they're just mom and dad. It's not like it's family." I said shrugging. "I bet you Collins will show up in Adidas Sweatpants."

"How much?" He asked slightly bribing me on the bet.

"15 bucks." I stated plainly. He nods and then put his shoes on. I pulled on my convers and tied them loosely, knowing that they all take their shoes off at the door.

We hopped in the car and I grabbed the ox cord and plugged my phone in. Knees but BeBe Rexha came on and I sung along. He smiled and held my hand, I was waving my arms and throwing my head around being crazy. He laughed with me as we pulled up in front of the house. We walked in the house and we were welcomed by mom and dad, devan and dad went into the other room. I took the time to ask mom about something.

"Mom, what does is mean if I've thrown up a couple of times a week and I'm late on my period?" I asked quietly.

"Come in here with me," she said leading me to the bathroom in her room. She asked a few questions and I answered them. "You might be pregnant." She stated happily. "We should text Collins and tell him to grab a test. Are you okay with that?" I nodded, I got on my phone and texted him.

Ember: hey big bro, can I ask you a favor?

Collins: hey sis what's up?

Ember: go to the store and grab a pregnancy test?

Collins: WHAT?

Ember: mom thinks I might be pregnant🙃😳

Collins: yeah I'll get there ASAP. Tell mom

Ember: sure thing. Thanks for everything

I locked my phone and nodded at her. "He'll grab one for me." She nodded, "mom?" I asked and she turned around. "I'm scared, what if I'm not cut out to be a mother?" She walked over a hugger me, she played with my hair and dried my tears.

"No matter what, we love you. You and Devan will be great parents, I've never seen such a strong bond. You were both young when you meet and now you two are adults and very much in love." She said reassuring me nicely. I smiled and her and we cleaned myself up and walked out of the room. Devan and dad were talking in the living room, I walked in smiling. I sat next to Devan and leaned on him. He kissed my head and then answered to dad. Collins walked in the door and I smiled at him.

"Hey bro," Devan called, Collins answered I stood up and hugged him. While I hugged him he put the box in my pocket and walked to mom. They hugged and then dad hugged him. I looked at mom and nodded slightly.

"I'll leave you guys to talk. I'm gonna go help mom in the kitchen." They nodded and I walked to mom. "I have the test. I'll go and I'll knock when I have a result." She nodded and I walked into the bathroom. I took the test and waited in the bathroom, once the timer on my phone went off. I checked and there were two lines. Showing I was positive. I knocked on the door and mom came in, I was smiling uncontrollably and she looked.

"I'm gonna be a mom." I told her happily. She almost cried causing me to almost cry too. "Your gonna be a grandma." We jumper for joy and then I texted Collins telling him to come to the kitchen. He came in and I hugged him whispering, "your gonna be an uncle." He was shocked. "Don't tell dad or Dev okay?" He nodded and went back to them while he walked out I looked at his pants.

Ember: you owe my 15 bucks

Devan: that was a stupid bet I shouldn't have agreed😂

I washed my hands and started cutting up the carrots for the soup. I kept looking at mom and down at my stomach smiling. When dinner was done we all sat at the table and talked about our lives. Mom knew that I didn't want to tell Devan and dad so we didn't say anything. Then we went downstairs and played games of pool.

It was Me vs. Devan, Mom vs Dad, then winner vs. winner, then Loser vs. Collins. Collins wanted to go last cause he wasn't very good at pool. I won vs. Devan and he was very proud of me. Dad won vs. mom and the game was hot when me and dad played. Eventually dad won and I played against Collins, I won but not by much.

"And you say your bad," I said hitting his shoulder lightly. Everyone but me was drinking cause I was A) pregnant and B) under age. I had a soda or two and we started a movie. I leaned on Devan and had a blanket over my stomach so he couldn't see me touching my baby. It was about 11 o'clock when the movie was over and Devan has to wake up me. He carried me to the car and buckled me in safely then drove us home. When we got home he put me in bed, "Devan?" I asked sleepily.

"Yes?" He answered, laying next to me looking into my eyes.

"I wanna have a family with you, do you wanna be a dad?" I asked again.

"Of course I do baby, you tell me when your ready to be a mom and we'll work on it." He said smiling, he got up and turned the lights off and then came back to bed. I put my head on his chest and he played with my hair. I fell asleep very fast as he kissed my head and hugged me.

{"Devan," I called, he came into the room. Today was the day that I tell him about the baby. "Your gonna be a dad." I said smiling, he looked very mad and smacked me. I fell on my hip and wrapped my arms around my stomach protecting the child as much as I could.

"How long have you known?" He asked fuming. I was backing away as much as I could. Suddenly there was a wall behind me. I couldn't go back any further.

"A couple of months, I thought you would be happy. You told me you wanted to be a dad." I said confused. He pushed me making my back hit the wall, knocking the breath out of me.

"Not the dad of your child. Get an abortion, as quickly as you can." He continued to punch and kick me, I wasn't strong enough to fight back. He beat me pretty good, he beat me so much that I lost the baby.

I woke up fast, I looked at Devan making sure I didn't wake him. Luckily I didn't. He wouldn't do that, he loves me. I held my stomach, "He'll love you too little one." I said I smiled and leaned back on Devan. "You'll be a great father my love." I kissed him lightly and fell back in to a dreamy sleep.

This lovely long chapter was written by izzy-the-dancer <3

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