Chapter 18:Where are you?

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"Hey guys do any of you have seen tony?" Steve asked

"We'll yes I saw him flew the jet a couple of hours ago"Bruce said while fixing the ray that will turn them back to being adults

"Where would he go? And why did fury let him drive it?"Clint asked sarcastically

"It might be a special mission that fury assigned him to do"Natasha said while walking in the room

"Unfair my friend what if he fights mortal beasts and we are not there he Is enjoying the ceremony with out our presence "Thor said and wielded his mjolnir

"Im gonna talk to Nick"Steve said and walked to the office of the director

Then Steve went to the director and talked to him

"Nick!,Where's Tony?"Steve shouted

"I send him somewhere"Nick said and got up

"Where?!!"Steve shouted once again

"I sended him to get the tesseract "Nick said and went out of the room

"And dont ever follow him or your dead"Nick said once again and continued to walk

"So where's tony"Bruce asked

"Fury sended him to get the tesseract""Steve replied and seated and kept thinking why would fury send tony

"What?!! What if he gets killed i need to go to him and there's only one person who has the tesseract, Loki!"Natasha said and went to her room to pick up her guns and other things and went to a jet

"If your going were going"Steve said and Got his shield even he was to thin and short for it and saw the others got there weapons

"So where are we gonna find him?"Clint asked

"We're gonna locate where the tesseract is"Steve said and Natasha flew the jet

They located the tesseract since Bruce had been working on it since the New York incident

"Did you locate it bruce?"Steve asked

"We'll some heat signatures,, aha there in the east and the exact location is somewhere Texas in an old abandoned building"Bruce said

"Hehehe old times" Clint said while arranging his arrows

"But Cap are you sure you wanna help?" Bruce asked with his eyebrows raised

"Of course Bruce I've been into several wars, Why?"Steve said with a smirk on his face

"Well no offense Cap but as tony said your kind of puny and looks like a skeleton so yeah that's the thing" Bruce said and kept working on the tesseract

"Bruce is right Cap"Natasha and kept driving the jet

"No i know im puny and everything but i have a brave heart"Steve said

"Okay you sound like Thor now"Clint said

"What is that you speak of?" Thor asked

"Nothing Thor" Natasha said and Thor kept eating

"Here we are come on"Bruce said an opened the door..


"Loki!! Give it back im not playing games with you little God of Mischief!"Tony said and looked all over the place

"Okay Jarvis where is he?"Tony asked as he fly threw the building

"I do not know sir, but i do think he is closer"The Al said

"Remind me to build you better Jarvis"Tony said and kept looking.

"Mortals such a pathetic creature, dont you ever learn do i need to do it again?"tony heard a voice and turned around

"Really or is it you whose pathetic, why dont you come out where i can see you Coward!!"Tony shouted

"You asked for it"Loki said and appeared in front of Tony

"Give me the tesseract!"Tony said and lifted up his face mask

"If its that easy i would do it but as i said I need it"Loki said and dissapeared and many allies came

"Great"Tony said and putted his face mask and fought the enemies.

"Where are they when i need them?"Tony said as he fight with the enemies

"I think were right in time?"Natasha said and kicked one enemie infront of tony

"Thank God"Tony said and lifted his face mask

"Cap we need to regroup there's too many!"Clint said as he pulled every arrow on every enemie

"Really let me do it!"The voice o loki sai and created some kind of maze.

Cap and Clint were together Bruce and Thor was together also while Tony an Matasha is together.

"You know what how come i always get stucked with you?"Tony said and they were back to back while fighting them

"Maybe were meant for each other?"Natasha said and punched the enemies

"Really? Your best for Clint!"Tony said

"What about we find them in this crazy fuckin maze?"Natasha said and started to look around

"What? What about the enemies?"Tony asked

"We escape, remember your hologram? Use it to distract them while we go"Natasha said while shooting the enemies.

"Right, why am i so stupid!"Tony said and slapped his self and. Then threw the hologram.

"Good now we go!"Natasha siad and leaped to the roof using the boxes that were there.And opened a some kind of small door.

"Where are we going?"Tony asked

"Where gonna go inside here"Natasha said and went inside

"Wait how?"Tony asked

"Take off our suit"Natasha exclaimed

"Right"tony said and his suit turned into a back pack.

"Its so tight in here!"Tony said and wiped his sweat

"Can you stop complaning!" Natasha said

"Fine i'll stop"Tony said and took of his shirt

"Seriously?"Natasha said with her eyebrows raised

"What you cant blame me its hot,why dont you do it no big deal!" Tony said

Then something went Bang and the place shook and natasha fell on tony

"Oww"Tony exclaimed

"What?"Natasha said facing tony so close that they could almost kiss

"Actually i could kiss you right now"Tony said and smiled at her

"Just shut up!" Natasha said and slapped tony

"Come on i was just kidding"Tony said and laughed

"Come on"Natasha siad and kept crawling

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