Chapter 29: What The Hell?!

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"Wake up Nat!"I exclaimed as I carried her limp body, I stood in the highway, waiting for any cars or vehicle to pass us by but our luck ran off.

Just then i remembered about my watch, I quickly grabbed it from my pocket and pressed the red button, Any minute now.. I tapped my foot impatiently until i heard that familiar noise, I softly place Nat on the ground as my suit flew towards me, After every piece was on my body, I carried her again and flew to the carrier

The carrier is in stealth mode but it's not like i can't detect it, I landed swiftly and ran to the infirmary, There I saw Bruce running his fingers through his hair

"Where have you be- Oh God!" Bruce exclaimed as he helped me place Natasha on the bed, I removed my suit and immediately ran my bloody fingers on my hair

"What happened?!"Clint shouted as the others ran in, almost every one of them brushed against me,

Clint being the protective one leaned over her and caressed her forehead softly as Bruce was examining the shot

I was immediately pushed to the wall and i saw no one else but Clint raising his fist against my face, Full of anger and he looks like a tomato who's gonna blow up any second.

"What have you done?!"He shouted in my face, before i could speak his fist collided with my face sending me to my knees, I touched my lip and nose to see blood.

The other held him off while i looked up at him "I didn't do anything Barton.."

"Bullshit!"He exclaimed as he tried to fight them off "If you didn't plan to run away like romeo and juliet then this wouldn't have happened!"

I gave him a glare "We simply talked! Then someone just shot her!"

This caused him to chuckle fakely "Of course.. of course there's someone! We're the freaking Avengers.. we have enemies and they're lingering everywhere, and you just decided to hang out in the open! I thought you were a genius! You should've thought about that first!"

I shook my head and sat down on the ground with my back against the wall, Clint growled in frustration as they let go of him, He made his way towards Natasha who is being treated by bruce and the others.

"Come on Nat.."Clint whispered as i decided to stand up and made my way towards my room "Stark."I turned around and saw Fury which caused me to roll my eyes

"Legolas already made the left side of my face bleed, you can punch me on the right." I said and turned the right side of my face to him.

He sighed and gave me that stern look "This is why it's better for you to stay away from her. Even when the both of you goes back to your own lives."

I gave him a confused look "So you're saying that I should stay away from her?"

Fury gave me last look before nodding, I stood up and slammed my fist on the table. "You want me to stay away from her?! Stay away from my friend?! my partner! The on I lov-"

I immediately cut off what i was saying, the one i love. I calmed down before sitting back again and placed my hand on my temple

"So you do love her."Fury said and leaned over to me, I gave him a glare and looked at the floor again "Then stay away from her.. it's for the best Stark. You're making the number one master assassin soft, your presence is interference with her work, I don't know what'll happen when all of you goes back to your own body, will she still be black widow afterwards?"

I gave Fury one last look, He's not lying, Natasha is a strong woman and I'm the one who's making her soft, who's causing her to be unaware, she's the Black Widow, she's brave. And now I'm turning it upside down, I placed her in this situation, and i should be the one to fix it. Clint should be the one with her, Or Steve, or even Bruce. Just not me, at least all of them are strong enough to fight for her and even fight with her.

"Fine."I replied "I'll stay away from now on.."

Fury gave me a small smile before i walked out.

Goodbye Natasha.

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Feb 13, 2017 ⏰

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Avengers High:Tony Stark and Natasha Romanoff FanficTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang