Chapter 2:School Day

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Bruce:So here we are home of the bullies

Clint:never mind my girlfriend will protect me

Tony:who's your girlfriend ?

Clint:Nat, right babe

Natasha:Babe yourself

Thor:Let us go inside these home of bullies you said so

Mr.Greene:Good morning im Mr.Greene the principal of this school come in to my office so we can discuss a lot of things about you

(They went inside)

Mr.Greene:Anthony Edward Stark?

Tony:that's me

Mr.Greene:What is that on you chest?

Tony:Oh this (points at his chest) its an arc reactor or should i call an electro magnet it keeps me alive because there's a shrapnel in my heart this is the one that prevents it from getting any closer

Mr.Greene:okay your a smart boy you almost made me faint okay next is Steven Rogers

Steve:that's me

Mr.Greene:okay do have any sickness that we should prevent?

Steve:I've got asthma,palpitation and you should read some of it there (points at his info)

Mr.Greene:okay so you won't be able to attend your military class (looking at his schedule)

Steve:Military class! I love too it just occur sometimes but I can handle it

Mr.Greene:okay, Next Thor Odinson

So are you foreign?

Thor:Yes Mortal I'm from Asga-(tony covered his mouth)

Tony:he's from United Kingdom

Mr.Greene:that's why he has a British accent,Next up Bruce Banner,Natasha Romanoff and Clint Barton you three look normal so i won't ask you here's your schedule

Tony:Biology,Latin,Snacks,Physics,Technology,Lunch and Gym


History,Physics,Lunch and Gym

Steve:Military Class,History,Snacks,Biology,Language,Lunch and Archery why the heck do they have that?

Natasha:Karate,Latin,Snacks,History,Technology,Lunch and Gym

Clint:Military Class, Karate ,Snacks ,Gym ,Latin,Chemistry,Lunch and Language

Thor:Language,Gym,Snacks,Mythology,Biology,Lunch and History

Mr.Greene:Is that okay with all of you


Mr.Greene:Now go to you Class

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