Chapter 4:When im with you

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3rd session

"Nat,come on its tech time!"tony shouted and put his shoulder around her

"Yeah okay I know that's why im with you"Nat said looking down at the floor

"You still upset that you said our ship name? Well if yes don't be i like it"tony said to comfort her

"Tony why are you so nice to me and why are you so mean to Steve?"Natasha asked and looked up to him

"First of all im nice to girls especially my friend and second he started it back in the chitauri attack"tony said with a quite angry face

"Good morning im your Proffessor in tech im Mr.Jacobs"the man introduced

"Im Tony Stark and this Hot chic is Natasha Romanoff "tony introduced

"Okay we will be making a robot but you can skip since this is you first day"Mr.Jacobs said

"Nope I can make anything "tony said "we'll then you better start" Mr.Jacobs said

Tony grabbed the hand of Natasha and pulled her to a sit

"Tony how can you do it? You don't even know what style your gonna make and we only have one hour"Natasha said worriedly

"I can finish it in 30 minutes" tony said assuringly

"Okay class wear your extra clothes so you don't get dirty and today is the last may start"Mr.Jacobs said

Tony took of his shirt and wore his black sando and got started.

"I think your much more muscular than Rogers now Stark" Natasha said with a smirk on her face."really I've been working out ever since and i didnt know it'll occur during my teen time"tony said looking at his stomach

"So lets start what are you gonna make?"Natasha asked

"Hmm Suit or Jarvis?" Tony asked "I think jarvis graphics but ironman design of course it should work on its own but you

can use it" Natasha said

"Good idea lets start" tony said and picked up the things

Tony worked on base first and worked lastly on the design and programming he used the graphics of jarvis though. He colored it Red and Black and craft the name Black Iron 42 beside.And made it Look like a back pack made of iron

The 1 hour past

"Okay class present your work here in front first is Mr.Fauler"Mr.Jacobs said

The Fauler guy presented a small robot and it kinda broke down the second guy named frank made a some kind car robot that has no controller but it failed and the third guy made a robot dog i looked cool but it doesn't follow him

"Okay Mr.Stark and Ms.Romanoff your next are you sure your finish don't you need enough time?" Mr.Jacobs asked

"Nope it'll work perfectly"tony said reassuringly

"Okay present it now"Mr.Jacobs said

Tony dropped the back pack in the ground and pressed a button on his bracelet and it started to transform into a six footer Ironman

"this is what I made it can protect you it has repulsor blast and unabeam you can also wear it and It flies it also has a high graphics and it speaks it knows all the information of anyone if your a criminal or whatsoever I made it usually for combat mode"

"Prove it"Mr.Jacobs said

"Jarvis what Is the information of Mr.Kurt Jacobs?"Tony said

"He is 36 yrs old he has a wife named Sarah and has two children namely Jack and Jane. His favorite place is the amusement park and loves to play chess with his co teachers during there vacant time, should I say more sir"The Al asked in a British accent

"No jarv its okay you've said enough"tony replied

"Tony you did it your so awesome i could kiss yo- no i meant was umm kiss what you made oh forget it"Natasha said blushingly

And nervously

"Well Mr.Stark you did it they had took two weeks to finish their robot but it didn't work perfectly but yours it took you only one hour but it worked so perfectly you get 100%" Mr.Jacobs said amazed

"Well I couldn't have done it without the help of Nat" tony put his arms over her shoulder

Then tony went out and brought his project with him and they went outside the room.Then it started that many girls had a crush on him

"Oh my Tony Stark I love you"one girl shouted "love you too" tony replied and winked at her the girl almost fainted at the ground

"Looks like someone's getting back his charm"Natasha said with a smirk on her face

"Oh Nat there no match for you"tony said laughingly

Then it was lunch time already

"Hey guys how are you?"tony asked "were okay fun especially archery i kicked the butt of everyone there"clint said

"I had a great time in chemistry though the other guy made the chemical explode good thing for me" bruce said happily

"Well I love the mythology that they speak of and they said that the God of Thunder is Zeus so i said im the God of thunder"Thor said with a smile

"I love history"Steve said

"Well for me and Nat we had a great time I had a chance to build a new suit because our project and we did it in 1 hour with full graphics and everything its color is black an red and i named it Black Iron 42"Tony said with a smile

"And I love it and the name most of all"Natasha said

"Can we see it?" Bruce asked

"Sure my science bro"tony removed the suit from his back and pressed something again and it began to work "wow tony this is very great what else could it do?" Bruce asked amazingly

"It can turn into a Car,Jet,Speedboat,And Combat mode" Tony said with a smirk

"What then why didn't you showed it? And why didn't I know it" Natasha said with her eyebrow raised

"Nothing hey Nat can you come with me im just gonna get something in my locker and i don't want to get bullied maybe someone wants to assassinate me"Tony plead

"Fine"Natasha said rolling her eyes

"What! you never protect me from bullies,but you did when stark asked you, Do you like him Babe?"Clint said curiously

"It's all about the Charm Clint maybe you should try it too"Tony said with his brow raised

Tony and Natasha went to there locker as Tony said so and then came two guys namely Carlos and Raymond

"Wait Nat I'm just finding it, I think I already got it" Tony said struggling to get hi mini notebook

"Uh...Let me get it" Natasha said

Tony leaned on the locker while Natasha was getting it Tony stared at her because he saw her legs tony cant take his eyes off her.

"Tony! Hey tony!"Natasha shouted snapping him out

"Yeah what?"Tony asked looking at her "here's your notebook lets go"Natasha said then

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