Chapter 15:Basketball time

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Coulson dropped them in there campus and went back to the hellecarier

"I really can't believe that you got in"Natasha said while walking in

"Believe it Nat"Tony said and wore his jersey

"Tony!"Someone shouted

"Oh hi Andrew"Tony said and had a Bro fist with him

"Is this your Girlfriend she's hot"Andrew said and looked at her

"No she's just my friend here to support me"Tony said and bumped her

Then the coach called them

"Hey Nat i need to go now"Tony said and waved at her

"Okay"Natasha said and watched them play

"Tony!"Andrew said and passed the ball to him and did an amazing three points

"Very Good Stark"The coach said and patted tony on the back

Then they played again Tony's team has 24 points and the other had 18 points..

"Gabe!" Tony shouted and gave him the ball and when tony was near the ring Gabe passed it to Tony and did a Lay-up

In the middle of the Game Tony tripped and landed on his knees

"Ahhhhhhhh!"Tony shouted and there team started to surround them

"Tony!"Natasha shouted and ran to him

"Tony come on wake up hey"Natasha said and carried him in her lap

Then for a few seconds tony got up and kissed her on the cheeks "Just Kidding! Im okay"Tony said and got up

"Tony! Your such a Jerk"Natasha said and punched tony in the shoulders

"You really falled for that, But seriously it hurts"Tony said and got up

Then they played again and Tony was the star player Natasha kept looking at where tony was

"Okay team this is your jersey"The coach said an showed them the picture

"Now pick your Number"The coach said and the other guys falled in line an said there numbers

"Hey Nat what's your favorite number?"Tony asked and ran to her

"Umm 18 or 21 but 21 is my most favorite"Natasha said

"I'll go with 21"Tony said and ran to there coach

"Stark what number?"The coach asked

"21 sir"Tony said and went to Andrew

"Our jersey costs $100 okay"The coach said

And tony went to him and gave the money

"Coach here it is"Then tony hand him the money

"Okay pack up"The coach said and went out of the gym.They lasted 3 hours....

"You did so good in there, what meant was you can't even beat Steve in boxing but here you are a basketball player"Natasha said while they were waiting for Phil

"Well I also didn't knew im good in it and I think we're starting to adapt it"Tony said and Phil arrived and they got up immediately

"So how was your day Stark have fun?"Phil asked while taking of his shades

"Yup loved it and im the star player"Tony said comfortably

And after a while the Car turned into a jet.And tony fell asleep on Natasha's shoulders

"Hmmm i think its a hard day for him, And Natasha the director wants to talk to you later"Phil said while looking at tony

"Sure"Natasha said and kept brushing Tony's spiky hair

"Natasha I've never seen you like this your starting to be nice and good not like the Natasha i knew who kicks all kinds of butts"Phil said

"Im still like that Phil you just didn't see me fight because there's no enemies"Natasha and kept brushing Tony's hairs with her hands

"Okay were here"Phil said and landed the jet

"Tony wake up were here come on wake up"Natasha said trying to wake him up

"Yes im up"Tony said yawning and got up immediately

Natasha helped him up and almost carried him to his room

"Thanks Nat"Tony said and slept again

"Yeah sure it was nothing" Natasha said and went out of his room

"Wait! Nat"Tony said and went to her

"Yup"Natasha said and looked at him

"Thanks for all you've done"tony said and kissed her in the lips

"Yeah I know okay bye the director is calling me "Natasha said and jumped for joy when she was already outside

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