475 45 3

"Good day! This is *HELP#, ready to help you with your problems. Do you want to avail our services now, miss Jacinth?"

"Y-yes, please."

"Great! We have 3 tellers available at this time who do you want to pick? Aiden, Charm or Chuck?"

"C-can I choose Aiden?"

"Good choice! I'll transfer this line to Aiden, your friend that can aid your problems! Goodluck!"

"Uhh... okay."






"U-uhm, hello?"

"Hello! This is Aiden. Your companion that can aid your problems! You are?"


"Nice to meet you Jacinth! Where do you want to start now?"

"Uhm, can I tell you a secret?"


call ended
02: 35: 56

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