The first date

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Gerard had got up first in the morning, having a huge thought.

Today was his special first date with Frank, and he wouldn't fuck it up like that.

What if he dressed up nice and got a haircut? Maybe that would make him feel nicer for Frank, instead of rusted up shoes, a flirty black hood and some camo shorts, and some sunglasses.

Gerard sat on his bed rubbing at his eyes then rubbing his hair while scratching his head.

What could Gee do?

He had no money, so he wouldn't be able to buy himself anything.

His father only gives him a five dollar allowance just for doing the dishes every day.

That was the only generous thing that he does everyday.

He could probably.. a lightbulb switched in his head.

If he couldn't buy clothes he can give himself a makeover to impress his new boyfriend.

He walked off into the shower undressing himself and stepping into the shower with scissors.

He started with one single chop.

Frank was hyperventilating, his date with Gerard was tonight.

"Breathe, breathe.."Frank's chest rising and falling at a rapid paste.

Frank walked over to his mirror sighing, he didn't think that this date would go bad, but he still had doubts.

His parents totally forgot about them grounding him, they honestly forget Frank in general.

The principal gave Frank snd Gerard two weeks of no school, just because of prom.

He would have to fend for himself.

Frank can't drive at all. He felt very conflicted.

He wondered a lot about a lot of things, he wondered what would happen if the world ran out of air for 30 seconds.

He wondered how much would it hurt to slit your wrist.

He wondered what it would feel like to be loved, these we're the things that ran through his brain.

He stepped into the shower, letting the water run down his pale skin, Frank hadn't eaten at all, he just figured he would buy food at their date.

With what money...

Frank began to freak out, hoe would he tell Gerard that he didn't have money.

He can't steal from his parents again they'll definitely notice.

What was he gonna do now?

Frank grabbed the bar of soap while rubbing his eyes.

His eyes began to burn furiously.

Frank screeched and accidentally slipped falling onto his back. "Agh fuck me man!" He tried grabbing his towel while dipping his eyes in the water, nothing worked.



Gerard was almost satisfied with his cut, it wasn't the best but at least it was something new.

Not a pixie cut but his hair was short, still black snd greasy though.

He watched as the hair drove into the drain never to be seen ever again.

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