Chapter 3. Gym class.

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I parked my car on her driveway seeing a group of guys gulping beer down their throats as they were stumbling out of Ashley's house. I grabbed the door just before its shut closed letting myself in. Walking through the crowd of dancing and drinking people, I spotted Ian sitting on the couch with a random girl. They were kissing deeply as Ian broke the kiss and threw up on the floor. I sighted as I brushed my hand through my hair. I walked over to him grabbing him by the arm and pulling him of the girl as he was about to go at it again. ''Dude what are you doing? I was about to get laid!'' He yelled at me as he struggled a bit. ''I'd like to believe that.''

I was about to walk to the door with Ian till someone placed their arms around my neck. ''Devis where were you?'' Someone purred in my ear with a voice that I was trying to avoid while being here. ''Ashley get off of me.'' ''Why? You're finally here.'' She said as she came closer to my face ready to kiss me. I placed my hand in front of her mouth just in time to stop her. I could smell the strong smell of alcohol lingering around her.  ''Ashley your drunk. I have to go, bye.'' I said as I pushed her off me walking to the door. ''Awesome party Ashley!'' Ian yelled as I pulled him along out her house. I pushed him in the car and placed his seat belt on. ''Don't you dare throw up in my dad's car.'' I said as I took place in the driver's seat. ''Your such a terrible drunk.'' I said sighting with a smile. ''But you love me.'' He said grinning. ''Of course bro.'' I chuckled.

I had just brought Ian back home and was silently sneaking up the stairs to my room. Luckily my parents were both still sleeping or else they could have seen me walking in at 2 in the middle of the night. And believe me or not, they wouldn't be happy. I walked into my room clicking on the light switch, grabbing a boxer short, and a towel before going silently to the bathroom.

 The next day everyone in school was talking about that 'awesome party' Ashley had. Ian had given me a ride to school so I didn't have to walk. ''Dude you should have been there, it was awesome.'' Ian said as we were on our way to the gym hall. This was our last period. ''I was there for like 5 minutes to come and pick you up before you barfed the whole place under. You should have seen your face, you looked like shit.'' I said laughing. ''Really funny bro, that was my: I look like shit and I'm having fun face.'' He said. ''of course.'' I smiled. We entered the boy's changing room.

Everyone was already there some of the guys were already fully dressed and some half naked. I was having a bit of trouble not looking at all the half naked guys around me. I opened my bag and picked my gym clothes out of it. I looked to my right to avoid looking at the half naked Wyatt that was standing on my left with his hot six-pack as a light blush came on my cheeks, but instead I saw Ian taking of his shirt showing his muscled torso. ''Shit.'' I cursed silently only for me to hear. Did I mention before that Ian is actually kind of handsome? I looked away again trying to concentrate on just dressing myself. Yes Ian is handsome but I don't have feelings for him, It would only make things awkward between our brother pack. By the way Wyatt is also part of the rugby team, he has black hair with light brown eyes and he's best friends with Lance.  Why did all the guys in my class have to be so handsome for fuck sake?

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