Davy and the Giant Teacup

Start from the beginning

He looks up again to see his world getting larger and his eyes open wide in shock. "M-Micky?!" He calls out worried, but of course, no one hears him as Mike, Micky and Peter are fast asleep.

When the even smaller man isn't getting a response, he tries to think quickly. "The counters!" Jones quickly makes his way up the counters while he is still shrinking so he doesn't end up in the floor. After all, he didn't know how short he was going to get now.

He starts shrinking more rapidly now, quickly making him less than 3 feet tall. He starts to freak out even more. "M-MICKY!" His voice is starting to get more high pitched and much quieter. "Bloody hell!" He keeps shrinking all the while, ignoring the painful twisting of his stomach.

After a few moments, he now is the size of pop can and he needs to find something to protect himself. Davy looks around frantically to see his empty teacup. "There!" He runs to it with his tiny legs, still gaining closer to the top of the countertop. Jones climbs inside and rests in the cup out of breath. After a few seconds, he stops to shrink and his stomach rests. He notices this and he looks to be about only 3 inches tall. "What am I going to do?!" He stands up and his head can barely see over the wall of cream clay. "MICKY!" His voice is much much higher and sounds very strange to him but he has to get out of this situation."MICKY!" He calls out but to no avail. The exhausted Davy starts to calm down in his now massive teacup as there was really nothing more he could do. "Well, Guess I'll have to wait for the lads to get up . . ." He says glumly deciding his course of action.

The Bedroom


The alarm rings and does it's sole purpose in its creation, waking people up.

"Wi-Will somebody turn that darn thing off?" Mike says as he is half asleep. He doesn't like the loud alarm but it's what they could afford.

"Hey! Knock that off!" Peter says as he rubs his eyes to be able to see.

Micky doesn't say anything, he just moans and dugs his head in his pillow.

Michael sits himself up while taking off his green eye mask and sees the annoying alarm going off is by Davy's empty bed. His eyebrows curl in frustration and he gets up and silences the disruption. He rubs his eyes and yawns while his brain tries to wake up. The Texan then observes the room to see where Davy is and sees the bathroom door closed and assumes he's inside. "Thanks for turnin' it off for us, Davy . . ." He grumbles in irritation.

Micky moans and shuffles around in his thin blankets, he hates mornings.

Nesmith hears Micky and turns his attention toward him. "C'mon, Mick. Time to get goin' for the day." He mumbles a bit from only being up for a few minutes.

"I don't wanna . . ." Micky whines as he burrows himself into his comforter. "I wanna sleep . . ." He whines again being muffled by the pillow and blankets.

Peter soon gets up from his bed in his bright orange pajamas with his blue bunny on the side. He goes over to the dramatic Micky and tries to encourage him to get up with an innocent excitement. "Mick, time to get up! You can do some experimenting today!" Peter exclaims out seemingly waking up fast.

"Experimenting!" Micky pops right up out of bed with his curly hair frizzed and all over the place. "Why didn't you say so?!" Micky also seems to have waken up fast.

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