15; The Soldier & The Starmaker

Start from the beginning


"So, what did you have in mind for your 'task' today?" Asked Aziraphale as he trailed behind Raphael, looking over his shoulder. Even when he had no distraction, he was always slower than the archangel.

The redhead noticed how far he was and decided to wait. "I don't know yet, but I want it to be big."

"How big?"

"Huge! So big that you feel like you could get lost in it!" He explained, visibly excited.

Aziraphale visibly stiffened before trying to play it off. "Won't that take long? Won't they come find you by the time the day's ended?"

Raphael gave a shrug, grabbed both of Aziraphale's hands and started pulling him along. A very easy feat when you have six wings to carry both of you along. "Probably not. Uriel knows how slow I am when I'm up here... They've never found you up here with me, right?"


The archangel smiled. "Good. If they don't think this is an area you'd frequent, you won't get dragged away so quickly. I get to have company and you don't have to pick up a sword today. Everyone wins!"

"Technically, I've had it on me the whole time. But I see your point." The principality said softly.

Once they were high enough, he let go of Aziraphale. They started floating around the area until their bodies grew accustomed to the weightlessness. "As long as you get it... Actually, that might come in handy..."

"My dear, you have no need for a blade up here."

"Not in the traditional sense, love." Said Raphael, stretching his wings and observing their surroundings.

Aziraphale smiled. "I can practically see the gears moving in your head. I take it you're forming an idea as we speak."

"That's right." Sang the archangel.

He definitely was forming an idea. Before long, he was dragging Aziraphale along to a specific spot and posing him in various ways with his sword. Using the principality as a reference, he started painting the skies with stardust, molding it so it'd look like the angel in front of him. Or close enough, anyway. It was a very good thing that Aziraphale was used to staying still for long periods of time thanks to his training.

Hours passed, they chatted a bit for most of that time. When there weren't talking, Aziraphale could hear Raphael mumbling apologies and scolding himself for not getting something right. Other times, one would say something amusing or ridiculous, and they'd start uncontrollably laughing, which would delay the whole process. There were also moments of complete silence between them, but it was comfortable. Eventually, the stardust stopped coming from his fingertips and he floated away to see how far he had come along. He gave a curt nod, mostly to himself, before returning to the blond angel.

"Well, I'll stop torturing you for today, love. I don't think it's getting any better." He told him, gently pushing down the arm which held the blade.

Aziraphale sheathed his sword and stretched with a loud groan. "May I see it? Or is this one of your 'grand pieces' that I should only look at once it's done?" The blond had heard that excuse before. The archangel would insist on Aziraphale waiting for a constellation to be finished most of the time.

"Nah, it's fine. Might just scrap it and try something else next time." He said in a somewhat frustrated tone.

It was huge. Easily twenty feet tall or more, as bright as anything, in a soft blue hue. Bigger stars that let you map out the shape of it from afar once the stardust which held most of the details faded. Said details were incredible. He had managed to get his robe, his hair, even the lines of his face. When the principality got a good look at the sculpture-like cluster of stardust, his jaw dropped and he turned back to him so fast that he would've gotten whiplash if he hadn't been an ethereal creature. "Don't you dare!"

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