Chapter 1: Another World

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3rd POV

In Massachusetts...the city known as Boston is no more. It was extremely destroyed from the amount of damage sustained by the battle between the keiju. But even more damage was sustained as a 300 meter tall monster walking through the city, melting buildings that were in a large radius due to his unbelievable radiation levels. The entire world was in panic still. Even though humanity was about to be saved by the rightful king of the throne.

Godzilla stomped through the city approaching his brave rival. The true king let out a loud, short roar as the sound of a blast charging could be heard. Ghidorah turned around quickly as the three heads roared in unison at the radiating king. The glowing lava red cracks on Godzilla's body on shine brighter as he bent over a bit, large bolts of electricity invisibly coming out of his body. A loud 'boom's could be heard as a dome like field burst of radiation left his body, engulfing the dragon.

Ghidora roared in immense pain as he tried to cover himself with his wing, but to no avail. Ghidorah shrieked in even more pain as his right and left wings began to vaporize. Ghidorah fell onto his back before trying to back away, roaring at the now more powerful monster. The golden scaled dragon attempted to shoot electricity at him to stop Godzilla but it had no affect. Another charging sound like before was heard as his body shone again. 'BOOM!' Another field of radiation was sent in every direction. Ghidorah screeched as his right and left head vaporized to nothing.

The middle head turned away as he was the only remaining head. He screeched at Godzilla only making him even more mad. The gojira stepped forward before lifting a leg and stomping down on the dragons chest, applying as much pressure as he could as the electricity from both Ghidorah and Godzilla connected, a very bright light could be seen as Ghidorah let out an inaudible screech of pain. Out in the ocean Ospreys were fleeing. Everyone watched as this all happened. Covering their eyes as the bright light engulfed the city.

The light then died down as the air of Boston was filled with radiation. Everyone looked where the two gods were. There was no sign of Godzilla nor Ghidorah. That was until movement was seen. The ground shook as buildings rose from the ground and a large creature emerged. The living head of Ghidorah looked around as the creature rose further.  A raspy roar left Ghidorah as a body rose behind the head, or rather with the head. Godzilla had Ghidorah's head in his mouth.

Godzilla tightened his jaw on the neck before slamming it into what's left of a skyscraper. Ghidorah roared in fear as Godzilla stood to his full height. Godzilla began to swallow most of the neck before a bright blue light was seen coming from Ghidorah's mouth, eyes, and nostrils which was emitted by Godzilla. Ghidorah roared for help as the light grew brighter and the speed of the charging quicker before an atomic breath left Godzilla's throat, vaporizing the head of Ghidorah.

The King swallowed any remains of the enemy as yellow electricity died around his mouth. Godzilla looked at the Ospreys as they left. A man staring in shock before saying, "Jesus, good thing he's on our side." An Asian girl nodded, "For now." The girl in a soldiers hand spoke in awe, "Look." Godzilla looked behind him as silhouettes could be seen in the radiated city. More Titans had arrived. Godzilla was on his guard, ready to fight knowing Ghidorah had called for them. A giant spider like titan approached. A M.U.T.O stopped in front of Godzilla. And finally a large fire demon landed. Rodan. Rodan screeched asking for forgiveness as he spred his wings. Godzilla snarled, ordering him to bow. The fir demon had a hole in his chest from fighting Mothra, a titan that saved Godzilla from death by sacrificing herself by trying to fight Ghidorah but being vaporized immense.

Rodan stared at Godzilla before obeying. Rodan lowered his head along with his wings. Godzilla snarled, ordering the other titans to bow as well. They quickly obeyed, knowing his capabilities. Godzilla stood tall and menacingly as the fleeing humans watched in shock. The rightful king lifted his head in the air and let out a long, ear piercing roar, claiming himself the true rightful king.

Timeskip a year brought to you by Godzilla towering over the ship of IJN Nagato

Y/n's POV

For a year now, I have been watching over the human race. My followers doing the same...but, there was one thing that Kevin told me before I vaporized him with my atomic breath that is bothering me. He screeched telling me that she would come after me once she found out what I have done to her soul mate. And for a year, I hid in the Atlantic ocean waiting for that time. Waiting for the time to come when she would come. And she for sure knows. And she is not happy.

I opened my eye to see a fish swim past.  I just opened my jaw slightly and needed up swallowing a school of fish. I don't have much to eat so I resort to eating whales or any sea animals. But when I begin to starve, I just go to sleep. I sigh to myself before closing my eyes and drifting off to sleep. Then I felt everyone vanish from underneath me as I roared and fell into a pitch black void. It felt like I was still in the ocean. I tried to use my dorsal fins to light up the area but they didn't give off any light.

'Where am I?'

That was when I felt like I suddenly stop falling. I couldn't see anything but a bright light was beginning to engulf me. I was panicking. The last time I panicked like this was when I fought the two M.U.T.O's. I roared as my vision became nothing but a bright light. I closed my eyes but when I did, the light vanished.

I opened my eyes again to see I was now on the ocean floor. But the water felt different. It felt like it was stained with something...but I couldn't place my finger on it. I looked to the ocean surface and noticed something...oil. The humans are still pouring oil in the ocean even after we keiju have been healing this world. I began to stand up on the ocean floor. I glared at the surface before swimming up. I poked my head up near the oil and looked around. That was when I noticed the sky was a red color.

I then began to look around and seen a lot of smoke filling the sky. I seen the fire coming from what looked like an island. I huffed annoyed, thinking Rodan accidentally set another island ablaze. I quickly swam over to the island to knock Rodan out but when I got there. I stuck my head out and seen a small person in the air. Though, she didn't look human. She had her arms in some strange machine as she laughed maniacally and lasers shot out of the machine.

I watched as the lasers vaporized the humans running for their lives and cut through buildings like butter. I growled before standing at my full height of three-hundred meters. The small person's laughter abruptly stopped as she noticed my hug shadow cast over her. She went wide eyed before screaming out, "What the h-!" she took my tail and smacked her into the ground with ease before stomping on her body, leaving her as nothing but a puddle of tech parts and blood.

I looked at the city, the humans were only running in fear even quicker. Where's Rosan when you need to put out a city. I sighed before turning back to the water and dipping my head down in the ocean and letting water fill my mouth. I closed my mouth before turning towards the city. Here we go. I sprayed the water out of my mouth onto the city. I kept at this for thirty minutes, thanks to the drains, the water should be gone in twenty-four hours.

The humans had realized after a bit that I was not here to hurt them and they looked in awe. Once I finished, the fires were all out meaning I could leave. And return to the ocean. But now I knew I was no longer on the normal earth. I was brought here for some reason. And I feel that little person is why.

I mainly made this book because I had been thinking of it for a while. But, the secondary reason is because my teacher wanted to see what my mind could really do when it came to writing stuff like this.

Word count: 1,505 words

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : May 13, 2020 ⏰

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