Chapter X

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SUMMARY: Betrayed by his latest master and mocked by the cruel hand of destiny, Sir Guy of Gisborne returns to Nottingham twenty years after his banishment determined to reclaim the life which should have been his.

AUTHOR: Lexie aka lillianschild


FANDOM: Robin Hood

PAIRING: Guy/Marian

GENRE: Romance

Disclaimer: Tiger Aspect Productions and the BBC are free to claim whatever they own of this piece, except Guy's thoughts and my words which are ours to keep. lol. 

A/N: Set in an alternate Series 1 where Guy has never met Vasey before his arrival in Nottingham, this fic will explore what impact an earlier acquaintance with Marian might have had on Guy's life and ultimate fate. 

A/N 2: Once again, sorry for the very very long delay in updating this fic. I hope now that my summer holidays are about to start I'll have more time and energy left to devote to my writing.


“I knew you were heartless, Harold, but your own flesh and blood... ” Vasey remarked theatrically, crossing himself and looking up at Christ in mock prayer. “Oh, well, I suppose he asked for it- sneaking and listening in on private conversations of a sensitive nature. Right, Harold? There's no room for betrayal, and your boy's doubtful allegiance to the cause was worrying, especially now that we're so close. You should have known better than to leave your bastard with the leper who begot him. He spent too much time clinging to her skirts and developed a conscience. Lepers, my friend, are never to be trusted. I hope you won't make the same mistake twice,” interjected Vasey.

“My wife will do as she's told. I'll teach her who's master,” snapped Winchester, fuming at being remonstrated.

“As long as Lady Marian doesn't interfere with our plans, I couldn't care less what you do with her. Now, let's get down to business.”

“Is Gisborne with us?” asked Winchester, his antipathy towards the mysterious knight patent in his voice.

“He was cast out of the king’s retinue and, for someone with an empty title and no lands, that’s a heavy blow. Richard shattered his dreams of recuperating his inheritance. His misfortune is our gain. We have the brains; he has the muscles and the drive. I know an ambitious man when I see one.”

“And how do you know he won’t betray us to Richard to earn back his trust?” added Lady Marian’s betrothed.

“Oh, yes, that. Well, unlike you, Harold, the man still seems to have scruples when it comes to sacrificing his own kin to realise his ambitions,” sneered Vasey. “We have to thank Sir Jasper for coming up with a brilliant plan in the form of his cousin Thornton. The Squire was more than ready to collaborate when we promised him Prince John would reward his services handsomely. A great pity about Allan. We could have had a triple wedding and fatten our coffins into the bargain. If he'd married Lady Marian's cousin, Harold, your alliance with Knighton would have been stronger. Now we must find another husband for the charming Lady Meg, and another alliance.”

“And you think Sir Jasper to be the right choice?”

“What's the matter, Harold? The prospect of having only one of the lepers warming your bed's not enough? You should learn to share and have a look at the bigger picture. Sir Jasper might be a fool, but he's Thornton's cousin and we need the squire; Isabella Gisborne's our trump card to get her brother on board. When the time comes, I'll see to Jasper. In the meantime, we'll keep him happy by dangling pretty little Meg of Knighton before his nose.”

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