Chapter Five

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(Sophie POV)
I stumbled down the hill and one of the councillors moved forward, "Miss Foster, are you alright?"
I panicked and jumped into Gethen's mind.
Gethen! Help!
What? What's wrong?
All of the councillors are here. They know who I am. You have to help me!
I'm coming, try to get back to the tunnels.
"Miss Foster!"
I turned to the councillors and pulled my hood over my face. I started to sprint to the tunnel, but one of the councillors, the blonde girl, grabbed my hand.
"Let go of me!" I grunted.
I tried to inflict, but the councillor was an Empath and my anger disintegrated.
"Gethen! Help!" I yelled.
"Gethen?" Asked of the councillors, concerned.
The Inflictor turned to another councilor and said, "Call the Ruewens, tell them we have Sophie. And make sure they bring her friends and the Black Swan. There's something wrong"
I struggled against the dainty councillor, but she had a strong grip.
"Sophie, please" her eyes softening.
"How do you know my name? Who told you?" I asked, I needed answers.
"Sophie, don't you remember me?"
"No" I said, but I had a feeling that was the wrong answer.
The councillors asked me a few questions but I kept my mouth shut, I wasn't going give up the Neverseen after everything they did for me.
Suddenly, an old man and six kids around my age ran into the Sanctuary. As they got closer, I realized one of the kids was Fitz Vacker, my target.
The old man crouched down next to me, "Miss Foster, are you alright?"
I kicked him away, "Tell me how you know my name!"
His face flashed with concern and spoke in deep whispers with the Inflictor councillor.
A girl, Fitz's sister I assumed from her looks, looked at me, "Sophie?"
I scowled and managed to kick the councillor's hand off me. I sprinted immediately to the tunnels.
"Grab her!" The old man yelled.
I fell down and began to crawl in when one of the kids pulled me out.
"Gethen," I yelled, "Get Lady Gisela! Tell her where I am!"
I flipped around to see a boy with Lady Gisela's features. "You must be her son. What a disappointment you must have been"
I smiled as he flinched the comment. He led me back to the group, wordlessly, but I could tell he was thinking about his mother.
The old man wheezed and said, "Listen to me Miss Foster, do you remember any of us?"
I nodded, but kept my mouth shut.
"Please, we have to know"
I weighed my options. If I didn't tell them Fitz was my target, the Neverseen was safe. But if I told them, they might let me go or at least be distracted long enough for me to run off.
"Fine. The boy Fitz. He's my target" I spat.
"Target? What do you mean?" Fitz asked with those eyes that seemed to have looked at me for years.
I let my lips curl into a smirk and waited to add suspense, "Isn't it obvious? I'm a Washer"

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